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Lightweight Attention U-Net for Breast Cancer Semantic Segmentation

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Lightweight Attention U-Net for Breast Cancer Semantic Segmentation


Breast cancer is one of the most common causes of death among women worldwide. Early detection helps in reducing the number of early deaths. The data reviews the medical images of breast cancer using ultrasound scan. Breast Ultrasound Dataset is categorized into three classes $:$ normal, benign, and malignant images. Breast ultrasound images can produce great results in classification, detection, and segmentation of breast cancer when combined with machine learning.


I'll be working with Breast Ultrasound Images Dataset . * The data collected at baseline include breast ultrasound images among women in ages between 25 and 75 years old. This data was collected in 2018. The number of patients is 600 female patients. The dataset consists of 780 images with an **average image size of 500*500 pixels**. The images are in PNG format. The ground truth images are presented with original images. The images are categorized into **three classes, which are normal, benign, and malignant**.


I'm continuing on the work done by Oktay et al., 2018 that's implemented by this notebook on kaggle, quantized the model parameters and applied Depth-Wise Separable Convolutions instead of regular convolutions.

Project Structure

You can find the code for the base model and its quantization in attention-unet-base.ipynb and the code for the depth-wise separable convolutions model and its quantization in attention-unet-ds.ipynb. The models are in the models directory along with their respective profiling using MLTK Profiler.

Notebook Description Colab
attention-unet-base.ipynb Base model and its quantization
attention-unet-ds.ipynb Depth-wise separable convolutions model and its quantization


Names Attention-U-Net-base Attention-U-Net-quantized Attention-U-Net-DS Attention-U-Net-DS-quantized
Flash, Model File Size (bytes) 42.9M 11.1M 10.7M 3.0M
RAM, Runtime Memory Size (bytes) - 13.7M 33.6M 13.7M
Operation Count - 29.2G 5.8G 5.8G
Multiply-Accumulate Count - 14.6G 2.9G 2.9G
Accuracy 94.78% 93.56% 91.82% 91.82%

The base model was too large for the profiler so most of its metrics couldn’t be measured. However, you can see the strong advantages provided by these methods to drop its size and make it easier to be used in an edge device context.


This work was made as a class project for CSE758 (TinyML - Edge Machine Learning) at Alexandria University for my Master's Degree.


  • Add Open in colab button for the two notebooks.
  • Upload the research paper.


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Lightweight Attention U-Net for Breast Cancer Semantic Segmentation




