Releases: olivierperez/TwitckBot
Releases · olivierperez/TwitckBot
Fourth Early-Adopters version
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What's new in 0.4.0?
🎉 TwitckBot is now listening 9013 instead of 8080
🎉 Remote Actions port is now configurable
🎉 Overlay colors and style is now configurable
🎉 Overlay can display a list of recent events
💣 Fix bug arround ngrok
🛠 Become compatible with Gradle 7
Early-adopter 0.3.0
Third Early-Adopters version
Early-adopter 0.2.0
Second Early-Adopters version
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What's new
🎉 Extensions can now be disabled thanks to their .json
files => "enabled" = false
🎉 New extension Ngrok : To auto-start ngrok when you start TwitckBot
Available extensions:
- Channel - Basic reactions to events or commands executed by the viewers.
- Help -
command to help the viewers to know what they can do. - Market - A marketplace where the viewers can "buy" things with your points system.
- Ngrok - Auto-start ngrok when TwitckBot starts.
- Overlay - An overlay to show on top of your stream.
- Points - The points system managed by the bot.
- Poll - A poll mechanism to asked community their opinion.
- RemoteActions - (unstable) Provide a UI for the streamer to interact with his bot.
- Repeat - The bot will say one of predefined sentences every X minutes. Useful to give information about a Discord server for instance.
- Rewards - Reward with points the activity of the viewers.
- RuntimeCommand - Let you configure some commands while you are in the middle of a streaming.
- Sound - Configure the funny sounds you need.
- Stats - (unstable) Store stats of what the bot have seen during your stream.
- Storage - Store information useful for your stream.
- ViewerPromotion - Some of your viewers deserve to be promoted.
- Welcome - Welcome the newcomers with funny sentences with their names in it.
Early-adopter 0.1.0
First Early-Adopters version
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Available extensions
- Channel - Basic reactions to events or commands executed by the viewers.
- Help -
command to help the viewers to know what they can do. - Market - A marketplace where the viewers can "buy" things with your points system.
- Overlay - An overlay to show on top of your stream.
- Points - The points system managed by the bot.
- Poll - A poll mechanism to asked community their opinion.
- RemoteActions - (unstable) Provide a UI for the streamer to interact with his bot.
- Repeat - The bot will say one of predefined sentences every X minutes. Useful to give information about a Discord server for instance.
- Rewards - Reward with points the activity of the viewers.
- RuntimeCommand - Let you configure some commands while you are in the middle of a streaming.
- Sound - Configure the funny sounds you need.
- Stats - (unstable) Store stats of what the bot have seen during your stream.
- Storage - Store information useful for your stream.
- ViewerPromotion - Some of your viewers deserve to be promoted.
- Welcome - Welcome the newcomers with funny sentences with their names in it.
Breaking changes
- Some extension has changed of package
- Split all checked extensions to their own module
- for instance Help is now in the module
- for instance Help is now in the module
- Command points_transfer to points_give
- Extensions don't receiver TwitckBot anymore, but receive a Messenger instead
New features
- Listen to new followers
- Market place to consume points
- Reward talkative viewers
- Message queue to prevent bot from spamming
- Messages are customizable
- Participant earn points
- Time can be set as human-readable (1h5s)
New features
- Overlay extension
- Points system
- Store information in file instead of memory
- Unit tests
Bump version to 0.0.2
First release