Example geospatial app with MongoDB, Mongoose and Node.js.
See my blog post here for details on how to use:
Note that you can import the dogs.json into OpenShifts MongoDB using the following:
mongoimport --host $OPENSHIFT_NOSQL_DB_HOST --port $OPENSHIFT_NOSQL_DB_PORT --username $OPENSHIFT_NOSQL_DB_USERNAME --password $OPENSHIFT_NOSQL_DB_PASSWORD --db [DB_NAME] --collection dogtags --file dogs.json --jsonArray
But after the import you'll want to create an coords field and index it for geospatial queries as follows:
db.dogtags.find().forEach( function (e) { e.coords = [ e.longitude, e.latitude ]; db.dogtags.save(e); });
db.dogtags.ensureIndex( { coords : "2d" } );