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Stop checking manifest jkind against inferred
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liam923 committed Jan 29, 2025
1 parent c8a1c7b commit bf21eef
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Showing 3 changed files with 83 additions and 47 deletions.
21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions testsuite/tests/typing-layouts-or-null/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,15 +15,18 @@ end
different error message in the final PR. *)

Lines 2-4, characters 2-16:
2 | ..type ('a : value) t : value_or_null = 'a or_null =
3 | | Null
4 | | This of 'a
Error: The kind of type "'a or_null" is value_or_null
because it is the primitive value_or_null type or_null.
But the kind of type "'a or_null" must be a subkind of immutable_data
with 'a
because of the definition of t at lines 2-4, characters 2-16.
module Or_null : sig type 'a t = 'a or_null = Null | This of 'a end

module Or_null = struct
type ('a : value) t : value mod non_null = 'a or_null =
| Null
| This of 'a

(* CR layouts v2.8: this is unsound. FIX!!! *)
module Or_null : sig type 'a t = 'a or_null = Null | This of 'a end

module Or_null = struct
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92 changes: 57 additions & 35 deletions typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1370,11 +1370,22 @@ module Jkind_desc = struct
| Require_best : ('l * disallowed) normalize_mode
| Ignore_best : ('l * 'r) normalize_mode

module Fuel_result = struct
type t =
| Ran_out_of_fuel
| Had_enough_fuel

let both a b =
match a, b with
| Ran_out_of_fuel, _ | _, Ran_out_of_fuel -> Ran_out_of_fuel
| Had_enough_fuel, Had_enough_fuel -> Had_enough_fuel

let map_normalize (type l1 r1 l2 r2) ~jkind_of_type
~(mode : (l2 * r2) normalize_mode)
~(map_type_info :
type_expr -> With_bounds_type_info.t -> With_bounds_type_info.t)
(t : (l1 * r1) jkind_desc) : (l2 * r2) jkind_desc =
(t : (l1 * r1) jkind_desc) : (l2 * r2) jkind_desc * Fuel_result.t =
(* Sadly, it seems hard (impossible?) to be sure to expand all types
here without using a fuel parameter to stop infinite regress. Here
is a nasty case:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1469,12 +1480,12 @@ module Jkind_desc = struct
end in
let rec loop ctl bounds_so_far :
(type_expr * With_bounds_type_info.t) list ->
Bounds.t * (l2 * r2) with_bounds = function
Bounds.t * (l2 * r2) with_bounds * Fuel_result.t = function
(* early cutoff *)
| _ when Bounds.le Bounds.max bounds_so_far ->
(* CR layouts v2.8: we can do better by early-terminating on a per-axis basis *)
bounds_so_far, No_with_bounds
| [] -> bounds_so_far, No_with_bounds
bounds_so_far, No_with_bounds, Had_enough_fuel
| [] -> bounds_so_far, No_with_bounds, Had_enough_fuel
| (ty, ti) :: bs -> (
let ti = map_type_info ty ti in
match Axis_set.is_empty ti.relevant_axes with
Expand All @@ -1496,24 +1507,28 @@ module Jkind_desc = struct
join_bounds bounds_so_far bound ~relevant_axes:ti.relevant_axes
let found_jkind_for_ty new_ctl b_upper_bounds b_with_bounds quality :
Bounds.t * (l2 * r2) with_bounds =
Bounds.t * (l2 * r2) with_bounds * Fuel_result.t =
match quality, mode with
| Best, _ | Not_best, Ignore_best ->
let bounds_so_far = join_relevant_axes b_upper_bounds in
(* Descend into the with-bounds of each of our with-bounds types'
with-bounds *)
let bounds_so_far, nested_with_bounds =
let bounds_so_far, nested_with_bounds, fuel_result1 =
loop new_ctl bounds_so_far (With_bounds.to_list b_with_bounds)
(* CR: which ctl to use?
(* Use *original* ctl here, so we don't fall over on
a record with 20 lists with different payloads. *)
let bounds, bs' = loop new_ctl bounds_so_far bs in
bounds, With_bounds.join nested_with_bounds bs'
let bounds, bs', fuel_result2 = loop new_ctl bounds_so_far bs in
( bounds,
With_bounds.join nested_with_bounds bs',
Fuel_result.both fuel_result1 fuel_result2 )
| Not_best, Require_best ->
let bounds_so_far, bs' = loop new_ctl bounds_so_far bs in
bounds_so_far, With_bounds.add ty ti bs'
let bounds_so_far, bs', fuel_result =
loop new_ctl bounds_so_far bs
bounds_so_far, With_bounds.add ty ti bs', fuel_result
match Loop_control.check ctl ty with
| Stop ->
Expand All @@ -1538,7 +1553,7 @@ module Jkind_desc = struct
join_bounds t.mod_bounds Bounds.max
worst_bounds, No_with_bounds
worst_bounds, No_with_bounds, Ran_out_of_fuel
| Skip -> loop ctl bounds_so_far bs (* skip [b] *)
| Continue ctl_after_unpacking_b -> (
match jkind_of_type ty with
Expand All @@ -1551,22 +1566,20 @@ module Jkind_desc = struct
found_jkind_for_ty ctl_after_unpacking_b Bounds.max No_with_bounds
let mod_bounds, with_bounds =
let mod_bounds, with_bounds, ran_out_of_fuel =
loop Loop_control.starting t.mod_bounds
(With_bounds.to_list t.with_bounds)
{ t with mod_bounds; with_bounds }
{ t with mod_bounds; with_bounds }, ran_out_of_fuel

let normalize (type l1 r1 l2 r2) ~jkind_of_type
~(mode : (l2 * r2) normalize_mode) (t : (l1 * r1) jkind_desc) :
(l2 * r2) jkind_desc =
let normalize ~jkind_of_type ~mode t =
map_normalize ~jkind_of_type ~mode ~map_type_info:(fun _ ti -> ti) t

let sub (type l r) ~type_equal:_ ~jkind_of_type
(sub : (allowed * r) jkind_desc)
({ layout = lay2; mod_bounds = bounds2; with_bounds = No_with_bounds } :
(l * allowed) jkind_desc) =
let { layout = lay1; mod_bounds = bounds1; with_bounds = _ } =
let { layout = lay1; mod_bounds = bounds1; with_bounds = _ }, _ =
normalize ~mode:Ignore_best ~jkind_of_type sub
let layout = Layout.sub lay1 lay2 in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1963,9 +1976,15 @@ type 'd normalize_mode = 'd Jkind_desc.normalize_mode =
| Require_best : ('l * disallowed) normalize_mode
| Ignore_best : ('l * 'r) normalize_mode

let[@inline] normalize (type l r) ~(mode : (l * r) normalize_mode)
~jkind_of_type t =
{ t with jkind = Jkind_desc.normalize ~jkind_of_type ~mode t.jkind }
let[@inline] normalize ~mode ~jkind_of_type t =
let jkind, fuel_result = Jkind_desc.normalize ~jkind_of_type ~mode t.jkind in
{ t with
quality =
(match t.quality, fuel_result with
| Not_best, _ | _, Ran_out_of_fuel -> Not_best
| Best, Had_enough_fuel -> Best)

let get_layout_defaulting_to_value { jkind = { layout; _ }; _ } =
Layout.default_to_value_and_get layout
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1993,14 +2012,12 @@ let extract_layout jk = jk.jkind.layout

let get_modal_upper_bounds (type l r) ~jkind_of_type (jk : (l * r) jkind) :
Alloc.Const.t =
let jk = normalize ~mode:Ignore_best ~jkind_of_type jk in
(match jk.jkind.with_bounds with
| No_with_bounds -> ()
| With_bounds _ ->
"Expected no with-bounds after normalizing without requiring best. If \
you see this error, please contact the Jane Street compiler team.");
let get axis = Bounds.get jk.jkind.mod_bounds ~axis in
let ( ({ layout = _; with_bounds = No_with_bounds; mod_bounds } :
(_, Allowance.right_only) layout_and_axes),
_ ) =
Jkind_desc.normalize ~mode:Ignore_best ~jkind_of_type jk.jkind
let get axis = Bounds.get mod_bounds ~axis in
{ areality = get (Modal (Comonadic Areality));
linearity = get (Modal (Comonadic Linearity));
uniqueness = get (Modal (Monadic Uniqueness));
Expand All @@ -2009,8 +2026,12 @@ let get_modal_upper_bounds (type l r) ~jkind_of_type (jk : (l * r) jkind) :

let get_externality_upper_bound ~jkind_of_type jk =
let jk = normalize ~mode:Ignore_best ~jkind_of_type jk in
Bounds.get jk.jkind.mod_bounds ~axis:(Nonmodal Externality)
let ( ({ layout = _; with_bounds = No_with_bounds; mod_bounds } :
(_, Allowance.right_only) layout_and_axes),
_ ) =
Jkind_desc.normalize ~mode:Ignore_best ~jkind_of_type jk.jkind
Bounds.get mod_bounds ~axis:(Nonmodal Externality)

let set_externality_upper_bound jk externality_upper_bound =
{ jk with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2707,11 +2728,12 @@ let sub_jkind_l ~type_equal ~jkind_of_type sub super =
let bound = Bounds.get ~axis best_super.jkind.mod_bounds in
Axis_ops.le Axis_ops.max bound)
let ({ layout = _;
mod_bounds = sub_upper_bounds;
with_bounds = No_with_bounds
: (_ * allowed) jkind_desc) =
let ( ({ layout = _;
mod_bounds = sub_upper_bounds;
with_bounds = No_with_bounds
} :
(_ * allowed) jkind_desc),
_ ) =
(* CR layouts v2.8: don't expand along bounds where the upper bound is max on the
right. Normalization *)
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17 changes: 14 additions & 3 deletions typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1233,9 +1233,20 @@ let check_constraints env sdecl (_, decl) =
immediate, we should check the manifest is immediate). Also, update the
resulting jkind to match the manifest. *)
let narrow_to_manifest_jkind env loc decl =
match decl.type_manifest with
| None -> decl
| Some ty ->
match decl.type_manifest, decl.type_kind with
| None, _ -> decl
| Some _, (Type_record _ | Type_record_unboxed_product _ | Type_variant _ | Type_open)
when not (Builtin_attributes.has_or_null_reexport decl.type_attributes)
(* print_endline (Bool.to_string (Builtin_attributes.has_or_null_reexport decl.type_attributes)); *)
(* If there's both a manifest and a kind, there's no reason to check that the jkind
of the manifest matches the annotation. This is because the manifest's jkind is
exactly the kind's jkind, which has already been checked against the annotation.
The annotation has also been narrowed based on the kind's jkind, so there's no
reason to update the jkind either. *)
| Some ty, _ ->
(* print_endline (Bool.to_string (Builtin_attributes.has_or_null_reexport decl.type_attributes)); *)
(* CR layouts v2.8: Remove this use of [type_jkind_purely], which is slow
and effectful. But we cannot do so easily, sadly. I tried using
[estimate_type_jkind] here instead, but this runs aground with mutually
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