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Renamed Int8/16.int_size to Int8/16.size, corresponding to Nativeint.size #15392

Renamed Int8/16.int_size to Int8/16.size, corresponding to Nativeint.size

Renamed Int8/16.int_size to Int8/16.size, corresponding to Nativeint.size #15392

Workflow file for this run

name: build
- main
- '*microbranch'
- '*'
name: ${{ }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
- name: flambda2_runtime5
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-runtime5
os: ubuntu-latest
- name: flambda2_dev
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-dev
os: ubuntu-latest
- name: flambda2_dev_runtime5
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-dev --enable-runtime5
os: ubuntu-latest
- name: flambda2_debug_runtime5
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-runtime5
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: ''
use_runtime: d
ocamlrunparam: "v=0,V=1"
- name: flambda2_debug_runtime
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: ''
use_runtime: d
ocamlrunparam: "v=0,V=1"
- name: flambda2_o3
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: ''
ocamlparam: '_,O3=1'
- name: flambda2_o3_heap
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --disable-stack-allocation
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: ''
ocamlparam: '_,O3=1'
- name: flambda2_o3_advanced_meet_frame_pointers_runtime5_polling
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-frame-pointers --enable-runtime5 --enable-poll-insertion --enable-flambda-invariants
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: ''
ocamlparam: '_,O3=1,flambda2-meet-algorithm=advanced,flambda2-expert-cont-lifting-budget=200'
- name: flambda2_o3_advanced_meet_frame_pointers_runtime5_debug
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-frame-pointers --enable-runtime5
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: ''
use_runtime: d
ocamlparam: '_,O3=1,flambda2-meet-algorithm=advanced,flambda2-expert-cont-lifting-budget=200'
- name: flambda2_frame_pointers_oclassic_polling
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-frame-pointers --enable-poll-insertion --enable-flambda-invariants
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: ''
ocamlparam: '_,Oclassic=1'
disable_testcases: 'testsuite/tests/typing-local/ testsuite/tests/int64-unboxing/'
- name: flambda2_macos_arm64
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --disable-warn-error
os: macos-latest
- name: flambda2_macos_arm64_runtime5_irc
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-runtime5 --disable-warn-error
os: macos-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=irc'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=irc'
- name: flambda2_macos_arm64_runtime5_ls
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-runtime5 --disable-warn-error
os: macos-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=ls'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=ls'
- name: flambda2_macos_arm64_gi
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --disable-warn-error
os: macos-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=gi'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=gi'
- name: irc
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=irc'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=irc'
check_arch: true
- name: irc_polling
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-poll-insertion
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=irc'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=irc'
check_arch: true
- name: irc_frame_pointers
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2 --enable-frame-pointers
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=irc'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=irc'
check_arch: true
- name: ls
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=ls'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=ls'
check_arch: true
- name: gi
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=gi,cfg-cse-optimize=1'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=gi,cfg-cse-optimize=1'
check_arch: true
- name: cfg-selection
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=cfg,cfg-cse-optimize=1,cfg-selection=1,cfg-zero-alloc-checker=1'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=cfg,cfg-cse-optimize=1,cfg-selection=1,cfg-zero-alloc-checker=1'
check_arch: true
- name: vectorizer
config: --enable-middle-end=flambda2
os: ubuntu-latest
build_ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=cfg,vectorize=1'
ocamlparam: '_,w=-46,regalloc=cfg,vectorize=1'
check_arch: true
J: "3"
run_testsuite: "true"
expected_fail: "${{matrix.expected_fail == true}}"
- name: Checkout the Flambda backend repo
uses: actions/checkout@master
path: 'flambda_backend'
- name: Install AFL (for Linux workers)
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: sudo apt-get install afl++
- name: Install AFL (for macOS workers)
# The "afl-fuzz" package is deprecated (2023-10) and can no longer be installed
if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
run: true
# run: HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP=TRUE brew install afl-fuzz
- name: Install autoconf (for macOS workers)
if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
run: HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP=TRUE brew install autoconf
- name: Cache OCaml 4.14, dune and menhir
uses: actions/cache@v4
id: cache
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/ocaml-414/_install
key: ${{ matrix.os }}-cache-ocaml-414-dune-3152-menhir-20231231
- name: Checkout OCaml 4.14
uses: actions/checkout@master
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
repository: 'ocaml/ocaml'
path: 'ocaml-414'
ref: '4.14'
- name: Build OCaml 4.14
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
working-directory: ocaml-414
run: |
./configure --prefix=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install
make -j $J world.opt
make install
# Remove unneeded parts to shrink cache file
rm -rf $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/{lib/ocaml/expunge,bin/*.byte}
- name: Checkout dune github repo
uses: actions/checkout@master
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
repository: 'ocaml/dune'
ref: '3.15.2'
path: 'dune'
- name: Build dune
working-directory: dune
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
PATH=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/bin:$PATH make release
cp _boot/dune.exe $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/bin/dune
# CR mshinwell: This should use [email protected]:fpottier/menhir.git
- name: Checkout menhir github repo
uses: actions/checkout@master
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
repository: 'LexiFi/menhir'
ref: '20231231'
path: 'menhir'
- name: Build menhir
working-directory: menhir
if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
PATH=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/bin:$PATH dune build
cp _build/install/default/bin/menhir $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/bin/menhir
# Our dune rule uses `menhirLib.mli`, which we can't simply `cp`
# because it's a symbolic link to a relative path.
export SOURCE_DIR=_build/install/default/lib/menhirLib
export TARGET_DIR=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/lib/menhirLib
mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR
cat $SOURCE_DIR/menhirLib.mli > $TARGET_DIR/menhirLib.mli
- name: Install GNU parallel
if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
run: HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP=TRUE brew install parallel
- name: Disable any testcases
working-directory: flambda_backend
run: |
if [ -n "$disable_testcases" ]; then
rm -fv $disable_testcases
- name: Configure Flambda backend
working-directory: flambda_backend
run: |
./configure \
--prefix=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/_install \
--with-dune=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/bin/dune \
${{ matrix.config }}
- name: Setup for saving core files (not for macOS at the moment)
if: matrix.os != 'macos-latest'
run: |
sudo mkdir /cores
sudo chmod 777 /cores
# Core filenames will be of the form
sudo bash -c 'echo "/cores/%e.%p.%t" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern'
- name: Build, install and test Flambda backend
working-directory: flambda_backend
run: |
if [ $run_testsuite = true ]; then target=ci; else target=compiler; fi
export PATH=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/bin:$PATH
ulimit -c unlimited
make $target \
|| (if [ $expected_fail = true ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi);
BUILD_OCAMLPARAM: ${{ matrix.build_ocamlparam }}
OCAMLPARAM: ${{ matrix.ocamlparam }}
OCAMLRUNPARAM: ${{ matrix.ocamlrunparam }}
USE_RUNTIME: ${{ matrix.use_runtime }}
- name: Check other architectures
working-directory: flambda_backend
if: matrix.check_arch == true
run: |
PATH=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ocaml-414/_install/bin:$PATH make check_all_arches
# CR-soon xclerc for xclerc: re-enable the "upload-artifact" action
# (they are failing @4 because the names are not unique)
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# if: ${{ failure() }} && matrix.os != 'macos-latest'
# with:
# name: cores-${{ github.sha }}
# path: /cores
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# if: ${{ failure() }} && matrix.os != 'macos-latest'
# with:
# name: _build-${{ github.sha }}
# path: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/_build
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# if: ${{ failure() }} && matrix.os != 'macos-latest'
# with:
# name: _runtest-${{ github.sha }}
# path: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/_runtest
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true