By Anova Hou
CYBERSCAPE Zine: (Created for Linux Foundation Open Source Summit 2023)
CYBERSCAPE is a multimedia series that explores and redefines how open source cybersecurity is represented in media. Trend data was scraped from popular libraries’ vulnerabilities over time, tracking the connection between media popularity and response speed. The data directly informs the series and the code will be shared and reused for future projects.
My intended audience is diverse: technologists, artists, and everyone who consumes art and software. The work will be shown online and in person through projection - transcending digital and physical.
The work is created using generative design, data visualization, P5Js, self-portrait photography, lens distortion, and digital photo manipulation.
CYBERSCAPE invites viewers to critically think about how media impacts the future of technology. The data speaks for itself: cybersecurity relies on mainstream visibility and public attention. The multi-disciplinary representation of trends encourages viewers to seek out new spaces and techniques for art and technology to work together. Art and cybersecurity can be synonymous.
The visualizations are reproducible with new data. The greatest impact of CYBERSCAPE is to inspire artists to use open source code, libraries, and data as creative mediums. Artistic practices in technology and cybersecurity are vital to create a future that is informed, inclusive, and secure.
CYBERSCAPE Project Github:
Portfolio website: LinkedIn: Github: Instagram: Twitter: