415 commits
to main
since this release
- feat(bots): Let bots know when a message was a reply #14310
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- fix(calls): Adjust double-click behaviour when zooming screenshares #14284
- fix(chat): Fix double scroll bar #14265
- fix(chat): Keep chat position at the bottom when the chat list height expends #14268
- fix(chat): Fix missing "Copy code" in some cases #14308
- fix(archive): Hide archived conversations from dashboard unless mentioned #14299
- fix(chat): Add mention-id to simplify editing messages with mentions #14311
What's Changed
- [stable31] fix(ChatView): adjust dragover position by @backportbot in #14265
- [stable31] fix(MessagesList): keep chat at the bottom when list height is changing by @backportbot in #14268
- build(deps): Bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.18 to 1.11.19 by @dependabot in #14276
- [stable31] fix(Screen): change double-click behaviour for screenshare panzoom by @backportbot in #14284
- [stable31] Empty iceServers.urls handling fix (reloaded) by @backportbot in #14292
- [stable31] fix(dashboard): Hide archived conversations from dashboard unless mentioned by @backportbot in #14299
- [stable31] fix(absence): Don't break when you are the absence or it's recursion by @backportbot in #14305
- [stable31] fix(Message): check for code block nodes on hover by @backportbot in #14308
- [stable31] feat(bots): Let bots know the parent message when it was a reply by @backportbot in #14310
- [stable31] feat(chat): Add the mention id to parameters for easier editing by @backportbot in #14311
- Release 21.0.0 rc.3 by @nickvergessen in #14315
Full Changelog: v21.0.0-rc.2...v21.0.0-rc.3