- 🌱 Studying Computer Science at HCMUS.
- 📝 I regularly write articles on Blog.
- 💬 Ask me about Python, C/C++, and Full-Stack Web Development.
- 📫 Reach me at [email protected].
- 🌐 Check out my personal website newnol.io.vn.
A C++14-based classic Snake game with increasing difficulty levels and special features (no external library).
Tech: C++14, Windows API
Platform: Windows
Highlights: Multiple levels, increasing difficulty.
A simple web server using Node.js and Express for static file serving and file uploads/downloads.
Tech: Node.js, Express, Multer
Features: Dynamic IP detection, file upload/download.
Smart expense tracker using Gemini AI and Google Sheets for recording and analyzing expenses.
Tech: Python, Tkinter, Gemini API, Google Sheets API
Features: Auto-categorization, AI-driven analysis, data storage in Google Sheets.
📚 Blog
A collection of my thoughts, tutorials, and project updates.
Topics: Programming, AI, Web Development, Personal Growth
Platform: blog.newnol.io.vn/
Highlights: Regular updates, in-depth articles, community engagement.
A socket-based file transfer application developed in Python.
Tech: Python, Sockets
Features: Client-server architecture, GUI and CLI clients, secure file transfer, user authentication.
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