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ambernomani edited this page Jan 20, 2015 · 12 revisions

Final Project Proposal (due Tues, Jan 20)

Create a blog post documenting your idea for a final project and be prepared to present the idea in class. Your proposal should include the following (though feel free to use this as loose guidelines, you can document your idea however you see fit.)

  • Title
  • One sentence answering: "What is it?"
  • Written description of the idea.
    • How did you become interested in this idea?
    • What is the audience?
    • What questions do you have for the class (conceptual or technical)?
  • Visual material (images, videos, hand-drawn sketches etc.) that demonstrate your idea.
  • Links to any projects or references that inspired you.
  • Links to in progress sketches that demonstrates any part of the idea.

Some sample final project proposals from other classes

Links to sketch and blog post: