Backend of Part IB Group Project Probable Causes
Last modified: 7th Feb 2019
Instead of implementing backend in an external server, I chose to use localhost at the moment for easier testing and debugging. We can just use Cambridge domain provided for free if we want to put this online.
None of non-sample APIs are working at the moment.
Return of any BQL commands will be a json object, where the object is a set of tables and a table is a set of rows and a row is a set of mappings from a column name to a value.
API names can be shortened if they seem too wordy.
Since the API names can be changed, check the latest modified date above
None BQL APIs can be built on request.
Transactions are groups of changes to a database that happen all at once or not at all. Transactions do not nest.
This has not implemented in BQL yet.
''' /bql/command/create/default/{table}/{schema} '''
''' /bql/command/drop/default/{pop} '''
''' /bql/command/alter/default/{pop} '''
''' /bql/command/guess/default/{table} '''
''' /bql/query/select/default/{columns} '''
''' /bql/query/select/from/{columns}/{table} '''
''' /bql/query/estimate/{mode='by'|'from'|'from-variables-of'|'from-pairwise-variables-of'}/{expression}/{population} '''
''' /bql/query/infer/default/{columnNames}/{population} '''
''' /bql/query/infer/explicit/{expression}/{population} '''
''' /bql/query/simulate/default/{columnNames}/{population} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/predictiveProbability/default/{column} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/probabilityDensity/target/{column}/{value} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/probabilityDensity/targets/{targets} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/probabilityDensity/value/{value} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/similarity/default/{column} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/predictiveRelevance/existingRows/{booleanExpression}/{column} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/predictiveRelevance/hypotheticalRows/{booleanExpression}/{column} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/predictiveRelevance/existingRowsAndHypotheticalRows/{booleanExpression1}/{booleanExpression2}/{column} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/correlation/default/{column} '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/dependenceProbability '''
''' /bql/expression/modelEstimator/mutualInformation '''
''' /bql/expression/modelPrediction/predict/default/{column} '''
Sample API - simple CRUD This is sample API to test and give an example of how Java Spring passes APIs to ReactJS. This is NOT related to our project. All data is returned as JSON
GET /groups
- returns all group objects /group/{id}
- returns a group with given id
POST /group
- creates a new group
UPDATE /group
- updates an existing group
DELETE /group/{id}
- deletes a group with given id