Local Marketplace is a single platform focused on empowering local communities and art forms. This equips Indian travelers with a variety of local gems to shop at, providing them with a variety of comprehensive choices. Customers can log in and check places based on location, trusted users can also autonomously add locations not present on the website. Thus user-generated content helps gather information.
Run the app using the Link to view it in the browser.
Username: user123 Password: user123
These details have been provided only for demo purposes, please do not misuse them.
Reload the page in case the info is not visible. Fill in the form to see the place you added visible on home page.
- JavaScript
- React JS
- Firebase Database
- Firebase Hosting
- Check the website as a guest user or register and sign in to look through your saved locations.
- Search results based on location.
- Add a new event by filling in the form.
- Dynamic web application
- Select Dates and time to visit.
- Users can add places to visit based on their opinion and review.
- Host the website so it is accessible
The following ideas have been kept in mind while developing the project:
- First and foremost, only qualified shopping centers and popular, old markets are visible in common google search.
- The main focus of this project is to create a single to look at all events happening in the city.
- Gathering this information and assembling would be a tedious task. Thus customers who have visited the events/ or people who know the events are happening from other sources or event organizers themselves can add the details about the same.
- Events happening locally in an area are not well known, not available together at a single place to read and review them.
- This application would be especially useful for tourists and short term visitors who do not have much idea about the local markets.
- Most tourist websites only show the top 5 or top 10 best monuments/ markets to visit in the area, this application aims to show all interesting events happening there which are voted and added by customers themselves.
- Local Marketplace would act as a one stop destination for all types of markets, events, plays, concerts, fairs, bazaars, exhibitions, expos, sports and so on.
- These features could be searched based on locations.
- All events displayed would also include average customer rating and description of the event.
- The search results displayed could be narrowed down to our choice based on the filter selected.
- Include prices of locations/ markets if any.
- Fully functional review and rating system.
- Email/ push notifications about upcoming events.
- A complete ticket booking system in case of exhibitions.
- Filter which enables us to see locations within a given radius, like 5km
- Offer online hotel reservation.
- Comparison based interface for similar locations.
Sign in and Sign Up
Home page, click on Explore More button to check out more places
Click on Add places to add a new location, it would be visible on the home page
Search page, you can check for a specific location