armis - A Python library for interacting with the Armis cloud.
armis is a Python client library for interacting with the Armis cloud. It connects using HTTP/2 by default, falling back to HTTP/1.1 when necessary. Python 3.9 or later is supported.
Install armis using pip:
$ pip install armis
First, let's create an ArmisCloud object:
from armis import ArmisCloud
a = ArmisCloud(
Let's get a list of all devices matching our ASQ and only retrieve a few fields:
devices = a.get_devices(
asq='in:devices timeFrame:"10 Seconds"',
fields=["id", "ipAddress", "name", "firstSeen"]
[{"id": 15, "ipAddress": "", "name": "super-pc", "firstSeen": "2019-05-15T13:00:00+00:00"}]
If you need to execute ASQ beyond what get_devices
gives you, use get_search
activities = armis_object.get_search(
asq='in:activity timeFrame:"1 Hours"',
"activityUUID": "abc12345678901234567"
"activityUUID": "def12345678901234567"
Let's get all of the boundaries known to the system:
boundaries = a.get_boundaries()
{1: {'affectedSites': '', 'id': 1, 'name': 'Corporate', 'ruleAql': {'or': ['ipAddress:']}}, 2: {'affectedSites': '', 'id': 2, 'name': 'Guest', 'ruleAql': {'or': ['lastConnectedSsid:Guest']}}}
Let's get only one boundary by ID:
boundaryone = a.get_boundary(boundary_id=1)
Deleting a boundary is easy:
result = a.delete_boundary(boundary_id=3424234)
{"success": True}
Creating a boundary is easy, though the syntax is not yet documented well here:
result = a.create_boundary(
name="My New Boundary",
ruleaql={ "or": [
{'data': {'id': 392309238}, 'success': True}
Get a list of collectors:
collectors = a.get_collectors()
{1234: {'clusterId': 0, 'collectorNumber': 1234, 'defaultGateway': '', 'httpsProxyRedacted': '', 'ipAddress': '', 'lastSeen': '2019-05-15T13:00:00+00:00', 'macAddress': '00:12:34:56:78:90', 'name': 'Collector 1234', 'status': 'Offline', 'subnet': '', 'type': 'Physical'}}
Get the details for a specific collector:
myimportantcollector = a.get_collector(collector_id=1234)
{'clusterId': 0, 'collectorNumber': 1234, 'defaultGateway': '', 'httpsProxyRedacted': '', 'ipAddress': '', 'lastSeen': '2019-05-15T13:00:00+00:00', 'macAddress': '00:12:34:56:78:90', 'name': 'Collector 1234', 'status': 'Offline', 'subnet': '', 'type': 'Physical'}
Get a list of integrations:
integrations = a.get_integrations()
[{"changeTime":1715778000000,"collectorId":1234,"creationTime":1715778000000,"currentState":null,"enforcementLists":[],"id":20,"instance":"SPAN eno5","integrationState":"ACTIVE","lastRunEnd":null,"name":"SPAN/TAP","params":{"sniff_interface":"eno5"}},{"changeTime":1715778000000,"collectorId":1234,"creationTime":1715778000000,"currentState":null,"enforcementLists":[],"id":21,"instance":"SPAN eno6","integrationState":"ACTIVE","lastRunEnd":null,"name":"SPAN/TAP","params":{"sniff_interface":"eno6"}}]
Get the details for a specific integration:
integration = a.get_integration(20)
{"changeTime":1715778000000,"collectorId":1234,"creationTime":1715778000000,"currentState":null,"enforcementLists":[],"id":20,"instance":"SPAN eno5","integrationState":"ACTIVE","lastRunEnd":null,"name":"SPAN/TAP","params":{"sniff_interface":"eno5"},"statistics":null}
Create an integration:
newintegration = a.create_integration(
integration_name="collector 20 capture on eno6",
integration_params={"sniff_interface": "eno5"}
{"data":{"changeTime":1715778000000,"collectorId":20,"creationTime":1715778000000,"currentState":null,"enforcementLists":[],"id":1234,"instance":"collector 20 capture on eno6","integrationState":"ACTIVE","lastRunEnd":null,"name":"SPAN/TAP","params":{"sniff_interface":"eno6"},"statistics":null},"success":true}
Delete an integration:
result = a.delete_integration(20)
{'success': True}
Get a list of users:
users = a.get_users()
{12: {'email': '[email protected]', 'id': 12, 'isActive': True, 'lastLoginTime': '2019-05-15T13:01:23.456789', 'location': '', 'name': 'John Doe', 'phone': '', 'povEulaSigningDate': None, 'prodEulaSigningDate': None, 'reportPermissions': None, 'role': None, 'roleAssignment': [{'name': ['Admin']}], 'title': '', 'twoFactorAuthentication': False, 'username': 'johndoe'}}
Get the details for a specific user, either by userid or email address:
a_user = a.get_user(12)
{'email': '[email protected]', 'id': 12, 'isActive': True, 'lastLoginTime': '2019-05-15T13:01:23.456789', 'location': '', 'name': 'John Doe', 'phone': '', 'povEulaSigningDate': None, 'prodEulaSigningDate': None, 'reportPermissions': None, 'role': None, 'roleAssignment': [{'name': ['Admin']}], 'title': '', 'twoFactorAuthentication': False, 'username': 'johndoe'}
a_user = a.get_user('[email protected]')
{'email': '[email protected]', 'id': 12, 'isActive': True, 'lastLoginTime': '2019-05-15T13:01:23.456789', 'location': '', 'name': 'John Doe', 'phone': '', 'povEulaSigningDate': None, 'prodEulaSigningDate': None, 'reportPermissions': None, 'role': None, 'roleAssignment': [{'name': ['Admin']}], 'title': '', 'twoFactorAuthentication': False, 'username': 'johndoe'}
Delete a user by user_id or email address:
armis gives you:
- Easy connection to the Armis cloud using an API secret key.
- A quick way to fetch devices from the cloud.
- Retries in the event the cloud times out. This can happen with large queries that take more than 2 minutes. This is the default for CloudFlare, which front-ends the cloud infrastructure.
- Mostly type annotated.
- Nearly 100% test coverage.
Install with pip:
$ pip install armis
armis requires Python 3.9 or later.
armis relies on these excellent libraries:
- httpx - The underlying transport implementation for making HTTP requests
- msgspec - for lightning fast decoding of JSON
- pendulum - for easy date/time management
- tenacity - retry management when things fail, with great retry/backoff options
is distributed under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause license.