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@MSNev MSNev released this 22 Apr 20:09
· 88 commits to main since this release

Potential Breaking Changes

  • fetch Ajax tracking was also been change to be on by default from this version moving forward, if you are running in an environment without fetch support and you are using an incompatible polyfill (that doesn't identify itself as a polyfill) or the SDK you start seeing recursive or duplicate (fetch and XHR requests) being reported you WILL need to add disableFetchTracking with a value of true to your configuration to disable this functionality.

Significant changes

This release adds support from the base SDK to

  • TelemetryInitializers have been moved to BaseCore so they are now available as part of all Sku's and not just those using the analytics plugin (@microsoft/applicationinsights-analytics-js) using the appInsights.addTelemetryInitializer(...)
  • Web Events (addEventHandler) now support "event namespaces" (similar to jQuery) to enable the removing of events by just specifying the namespace and new specific eventOn(...) and eventOff(...) API's.
  • Fully unload, removing all internal event handlers (may be re-initialized) via the appInsights.unload(...) function.
  • Dynamically add a plugin to an already initialized SDK (optionally replacing an existing) via new appInsights.addPlugin(...) function
  • New helper to get any plugin from an initialized SDK via appInsights.getPlugin("...identifier...")
  • Dynamically remove a plugin via the appInsights.getPlugin("...identifier..").remove()
  • Enable / Disable any plugin (even if the plugin doesn't support disabling itself) via appInsights.getPlugin("...identifier...").setEnabled(true/false)


  • #1807 [BUG] Angular project doesn't build after install latest version v.2.8.0
  • #1810 v2.8.0 has incompatible TypeScript 3.x type declaration
  • #1812 [BUG] Browser exceptions are no longer automatically tracked after 2.8.0

What's Changed

  • [Release] Increase version to 2.9.0 by @MSNev in #50
  • [Release] Update 2.9.0 to ApplicationInsights to 2.8.1 by @MSNev in #53

Full Changelog: 2.8.1...2.9.0