Stoxir is a client library for the IEx Trading Stocks API
The package can be installed by adding stoxir
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:stoxir, "~> 0.1.1"}
iex(1)> Stoxir.quote("AAPL")
%{ avg_total_volume: 26303703, calculation_price: "close", change: "N/A",
change_percent: "N/A", company_name: "Apple Inc.", delayed_price: 163.97,
delayed_price_time: 1504299599152, latest_price: nil, latest_source: "N/A",
latest_time: "N/A", latest_volume: 16559979, market_cap: "N/A",
pe_ratio: "N/A", previous_close: "N/A",
primary_exchange: "Nasdaq Global Select", sector: "Technology", symbol: "AAPL",
week52_high: 164.94, week52_low: nil, ytd_change: 0.412397761515282 }
iex(2)> Stoxir.chart("AAPL")
[%{change: -0.77, change_over_time: 0, change_percent: -0.515, close: 148.73,
date: "2017-07-31", high: 150.33, label: "Jul 31", low: 148.13, open: 149.9,
unadjusted_close: 148.73, unadjusted_volume: 19845920, volume: 19845920,
vwap: 148.9056},
%{change: 9.86, change_over_time: 0.06629462784912267, change_percent: 6.629,
close: 158.59, date: "2017-08-01", high: 158.92, label: "Aug 1",
low: 156.6701, open: 157.06, unadjusted_close: 158.59,
unadjusted_volume: 21194042, volume: 21194042, vwap: 157.9816 }
# Chart can be passed a period. Period must be one of 1d, 1m, 3m, 6m, ytd, 1y, 2y, 5
iex(4)> Stoxir.chart("AAPL", "1m")
[%{change: -0.77, change_over_time: 0, change_percent: -0.515, close: 148.73,
date: "2017-07-31", high: 150.33, label: "Jul 31", low: 148.13, open: 149.9,
unadjusted_close: 148.73, unadjusted_volume: 19845920, volume: 19845920,
vwap: 148.9056 },
%{change: 9.86, change_over_time: 0.06629462784912267, change_percent: 6.629,
close: 158.59, date: "2017-08-01", high: 158.92, label: "Aug 1",
low: 156.6701, open: 157.06, unadjusted_close: 158.59,
unadjusted_volume: 21194042, volume: 21194042, vwap: 157.9816 }
%{ ceo: "Timothy D. Cook", company_name: "Apple Inc.",
description: "Apple Inc is an American multinational technology company. It designs, manufactures, and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music players.",
exchange: "Nasdaq Global Select", industry: "Computer Hardware",
issue_type: "cs", sector: "Technology", symbol: "AAPL",
website: "" }
iex(6)> Stoxir.key_stats("AAPL")
%{ eps_surprise_dollar: "N/A", week52high: 164.52, debt: 381442000000,
ytd_change_percent: 0.412397761515282, insider_percent: "N/A",
ex_dividend_date: "2017-08-10 00:00:00.0", return_on_assets: 14.15,
company_name: "Apple Inc.", year1_change_percent: 0.546182846371348,
price_to_sales: 3.7900262, month3_change_percent: 0.07390678188007345,
ebitda: 74688000000, short_date: "2017-08-15", day200_moving_avg: 137.77939,
number_of_estimates: 14, profit_margin: 20.73, revenue_per_share: 43,
month1_change_percent: 0.10300544611040155, gross_profit: 86068000000,
month6_change_percent: 0.1975326666180013,
year5_change_percent: 0.7013363865087812, pe_ratio_high: "N/A",
consensus_eps: 2.02, return_on_capital: "N/A", day50_moving_avg: 152.9643,
float: 5155519365, dividend_yield: 1.5365853, short_ratio: 1.5008535,
return_on_equity: 35.53, eps_surprise_percent: 3.9604, dividend_rate: 2.52,
latest_eps: 8.29, institution_percent: 61.7, cash: 271467000000,
short_interest: 39117077, latest_eps_date: "2016-09-30",
day5_change_percent: 0.01597820028488272, revenue_per_employee: 1926784,
revenue: 223507000000, week52low: 102.53,
year2_change_percent: 0.4548598793898546, symbol: "AAPL",
marketcap: 847097392000, ttm_eps: 8.55, pe_ratio_low: "N/A", beta: 1.267958,
week52change: 57.297897, shares_outstanding: 5165228000, price_to_book: 6.4 }
[%{datetime: "2017-09-02T10:56:00-04:00",
headline: "Huawei launches its first A.I. mobile chip with Apple reportedly set to enter market",
related: "AAPL,GOOGL", source: "CNBC", summary: "No summary available.",
url: "" },
%{datetime: "2017-09-01T15:35:00-04:00",
headline: "Alibaba vs Amazon: The race to $500 billion",
related: "AAPL,AMZN,BABA,T,TSLA", source: "CNBC",
summary: "No summary available.",
url: "" }
# News can be passed a range - default is 10
ex(8)>"AAPL", 1)
[%{datetime: "2017-09-02T10:56:00-04:00",
headline: "Huawei launches its first A.I. mobile chip with Apple reportedly set to enter market",
related: "AAPL,GOOGL", source: "CNBC", summary: "No summary available.",
url: "" }]
iex(9)> Stoxir.financials("AAPL")
[%{cash_change: 3414000000, cash_flow: 8363000000, cost_of_revenue: 27920000000,
current_assets: 112875000000, current_cash: 18571000000,
current_debt: 18475000000, gross_profit: 17488000000, net_income: 8717000000,
operating_expense: 6720000000, operating_gains_losses: "N/A",
operating_income: 10768000000, operating_revenue: 45408000000,
report_date: "2017-06-30", research_and_development: 2937000000,
shareholder_equity: 132425000000, total_assets: 345173000000,
total_cash: 76759000000, total_debt: 108339000000,
total_liabilities: 212748000000, total_revenue: 45408000000 }
iex(10)> Stoxir.earnings("AAPL")
[%{eps_report_date: "2017-08-01", eps_surprise_dollar: 0.1, actual_eps: 1.67,
announce_time: "AMC", consensus_eps: 1.57, estimated_eps: 1.57,
fiscal_end_date: "2017-06-30", fiscal_period: "Q3 2017",
number_of_estimates: 13 },
%{eps_report_date: "2017-05-02", eps_surprise_dollar: 0.08, actual_eps: 2.1,
announce_time: "AMC", consensus_eps: 2.02, estimated_eps: 2.02,
fiscal_end_date: "2017-03-31", fiscal_period: "Q2 2017",
number_of_estimates: 14 }
iex(11)> Stoxir.logo("AAPL")
%{url: ""}
iex(12)> Stoxir.price("AAPL")
iex(13)> Stoxir.delayed_quote("AAPL")
%{delayed_price: 163.97, delayed_price_time: 1504299599152, delayed_size: 25,
processed_time: 1504300501064, symbol: "AAPL"}
IEx states the following in their documentation:
We’re building an app using the stocks endpoints. Stocks will come out of Beta when our app launches.
The data provided here is sourced from IEX and multiple third-party sources.
IEX does not make any guarantees, representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of the data provided.
Start by forking the repo, then run:
MIX_ENV=test mix do deps.get, test
Pull requests are always welcome