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Task 2

As part of this task I:

  • created Python 3.9.13 venv for such task, venv was used both for analysis notebooks and / testing.
  • analysed provided dataset train.csv (process of analysis in 1.EDA.ipynb and 2 Model selection.ipynb)
  • found out that target column is generated as target = abs(var6)**2 + var7, where var6 and var7 - columns '6' and '7' respectively.
  • prepared files to recreate linear regression model training and for model inference
  • generated predictions for hidden_test.csv dataset - predictions.csv

Files in repo

  • 1.EDA.ipynb - general analysis of train.csv
  • 2 Model selection.ipynb - additional research to find model that is the most effective in describing relationship target ~ data and see what info about this relationship I can extract from it
  • - script for model training and saving
  • - script for generating predictions from saved model
  • .gitignore - git exceptions
  • - this README
  • requirements.txt - requirements for venv recreation
  • predictions.csv - predictions for hidden_test.csv


All elements (both notebooks and scripts) where created and tested in Python 3.9.13 venv with requirements as provided in requirements.txt.


To train model run in terminal:

$ python

The script accepts two optional arguments:

  1. --train-file: Path to the CSV file containing the training data. Default is train.csv.
  2. --model-file: Path to save the trained model. Default is model.pkl.

so if there is need to set dataset other than train.csv and/or model's file name other than model.pkl, use this command:

$ python --train-file custom_train_data.csv --model-file custom_model.pkl


To generate predictions from saved model run in terminal:

$ python

The script accepts three optional arguments:

  1. --model-file: Path to the pre-trained model file. Default is model.pkl.
  2. --test-file: Path to the CSV file containing the test data. Default is hidden_test.csv.
  3. --output-file: Path to save the prediction results as a CSV file. Default is predictions.csv.

so if there is need to set dataset other than hidden_test.csv, and/or model's file name other than model.pkl, and/or predictions file name other than predictions.csv use this command:

$ python --model-file custom_model.pkl --test-file custom_test_data.csv --output-file custom_predictions.csv