This is an iOS application leveraging the Fl API to display images for specified blog (Humans of New York in this particular app).
###Time spent: 14 hours
###Completed required user stories:
- Now Playing movies in ListView with overview and poster image.
- User can view movie details by tapping on a cell.
- User sees loading state while waiting for movies API.
- User sees an error message when there's a networking error.
- User can pull to refresh the movie list.
###Completed optional user stories:
- Add a tab bar for Now Playing or Top Rated movies.
- Implement a UISegmentedControl to switch between a list view and a grid view.
- Add a search bar.
- All images fade in as they are loading.
- For the large poster, load the low-res image first and switch to high-res when complete.
- Customize the highlight and selection effect of the cell.
- Customize the navigation bar.
###Notes: In addition I have added the following:
- Launch Screen
- Infinite scrolling to fetch next page(s) : this demonstrates use of the API's page parameter.
- Custom tab bar
- Added extension for UIColor to use hex
- Added extensions to group common logic (e.g. tableView, collectionView, data sources/delegates, etc.)