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GitHub Action

Depot Bake


Depot Bake


Depot Bake

GitHub Action to build Docker images via Bake with Depot


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Depot Bake

uses: depot/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in depot/bake-action

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Depot bake-action GitHub Action

This action implements the same inputs and outputs as the docker/bake-action, but uses the depot CLI to execute the build.

Table of Contents


The depot CLI will need to be available in your workflow, you can use the depot/setup-action to install it:

  - uses: depot/setup-action@v1


This action implements the same inputs and outputs as the docker/bake-action. You will need to supply your project ID and Depot authentication information, although both can be inferred from the environment. See below for more details.


This action needs a Depot API token to communicate with your project's builders. You can supply this one of three ways. The third, using OICD, is the preferred method, but you can also supply a token directly.

  1. You can supply a user or project API token via the token input:

      - uses: depot/bake-action@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.DEPOT_TOKEN }}
  2. You can supply a user or project API token via the DEPOT_TOKEN environment variable:

      - uses: depot/bake-action@v1
          DEPOT_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DEPOT_TOKEN }}
  3. Depot supports GitHub's OpenID Connect tokens via a trust relationship, so your Actions builds can securely authenticate with your Depot projects without any static access tokens. To configure the trust relationship, visit your Depot project settings, then add your repository and desired workflow config to Trust Relationships. Then in your workflow, enable the id-token: write permission:

      # allow issuing OIDC tokens for this workflow run
      id-token: write
      # allow at least reading the repo contents, add other permissions if necessary
      contents: read
      # no need to provide a DEPOT_TOKEN
      - uses: depot/bake-action@v1

Differences from docker/bake-action

  1. Authentication — this action needs to authenticate with a Depot API token to communicate with your project's builders (see above).

  2. If you have not configured a depot.json file with depot init, you can explicitly specify your project ID via the project input:

      - uses: depot/build-push-action@v1
          project: abc123xyz
  3. The builder input is not supported - this action always runs builds using Depot's hosted builders, if you need to route builds to a local buildx builder, you should use the docker/build-push-action.


Depot-specific inputs

Name Type Description
project String Depot project ID to route the image build to your projects builders (default: the depot.json file at the root of your repo)
token String You must authenticate with the Depot API to communicate with your projects builders (see Authentication above)
build-platform String The platform to use for the build ( linux/amd64 or linux/arm64)
lint Bool Lint dockerfiles and fail build if any issues are of error severity. (default false)
lint-fail-on String Severity of linter issue to cause the build to fail. (error, warn, info, none)

General inputs

The following inputs can be used as step.with keys and match the inputs from docker/bake-action:

Name Type Description
files List/CSV List of bake definition files
workdir String Working directory of execution
targets List/CSV List of bake targets (default target used if empty)
no-cache Bool Do not use cache when building the image (default false)
pull Bool Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image (default false)
load Bool Load is a shorthand for --set=*.output=type=docker (default false)
provenance Bool/String Provenance is a shorthand for --set=*.attest=type=provenance
push Bool Push is a shorthand for --set=*.output=type=registry (default false)
sbom Bool/String SBOM is a shorthand for --set=*.attest=type=sbom
set List List of targets values to override (eg: targetpattern.key=value)


Name Type Description
metadata JSON Build result metadata


MIT License, see LICENSE.

Code derived from docker/bake-action copyright 2013-2018 Docker, Inc., Apache License, Version 2.0.