Using iTerm2, paste results from 'nova list' into a temp file, then connect to all your VM's at once. Allows you to send them all commands and view all the results in real time.
$ -h [-h|-a|-s|-b|-i|-w|-v|-g <glob_pattern>] ( [-f <filepath>] )
Optional Options:
-h This help
-v Verbose
-f Use custom file for input. Default is:
-w Show contents of input file, can be combined with -g
Required Options (only one):
-a SSH into all VM's
-g SSH into any VM's matching a provided glob, like "*search_term*"
# These also satify the requirement, but are tailored for my own workflow
-s SSH into only sandbox VM's
-b SSH into only binary VM's
-i SSH into only idev VM's
I use these aliases on my Mac (~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc):
alias broadcast="${HOME}/git/BroadcastNova/"
broadcastpaste() {
pbpaste > "${HOME}/.config/broadcastnova/input-servers.txt"
- The python3 version is latest and the only one supported.
- If anyone wants to make contributions using bash or perl, check git history, I'd be willing to switch.
- From ramannanda/Broadcast
- Couple informative pages.