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This repository was archived by the owner on May 21, 2023. It is now read-only.


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The functionality of the mbtileserver-rs has been migrated to the Martin tile server. No further updates are planned for this project.

Note: This project started as a partial implementation of the API and features provided by mbtileserver written in Go by Brendan Ward. It might diverge from that project in the future.

mbtileserver Coverage Status

Tested with rust 1.60

A simple Rust-based server for map tiles stored in mbtiles format.

Getting Involved

Join the #maplibre slack channel at OSMUS: get an invite at


Run mbtileserver --help for a list and description of the available flags:

mbtileserver 0.1.7
A simple mbtiles server

    mbtileserver [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

            Disable preview map
    -h, --help               
            Prints help information

    -V, --version            
            Prints version information

        --allowed-hosts <allowed_hosts>    
            "*" matches all domains and ".<domain>" matches all subdomains for the given domain
             [default: localhost,, [::1]]
    -d, --directory <directory>            
            Tiles directory
             [default: ./tiles]
    -H, --header <header>...               
            Add custom header
    -p, --port <port>                      
            Server port
             [default: 3000]

Run mbtileserver to start serving the mbtiles in a given folder. The default folder is ./tiles and you can change it with -d flag. The server starts on port 3000 by default. You can use a different port via -p flag.

You can adjust the log level by setting RUST_LOG environment variable. Possible values are trace, debug, info, warn, error.


Endpoint Description
/services lists all discovered and valid mbtiles in the tiles directory
/services/<path-to-tileset> shows tileset metadata
/services/<path-to-tileset>/map tileset preview
/services/<path-to-tileset>/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}. returns tileset tile at the given x, y, and z
/services/<path-to-tileset>/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.json returns UTFGrid data at the given x, y, and z (only for tilesets with UTFGrid)


You can test this project by running docker-compose up. It starts a server on port 3000 and serves the tilesets in ./tiles directory.