The simple number converter is a web-based service for converting numbers. It provides a quick and easy-to-use way to get the results you want.
The latest version is live at This domain name was chosen as it is fast to type and easy to remember. The name refers to a convention of adding the prefix 0b to distinguish binary numbers.
Conversions are supported in the following numeral systems:
- Base-2 (binary)
- Base-8 (octal)
- Base-10 (decimal)
- Base-16 (hexadecimal)
The application is available in these languages:
- [ 🇺🇸 ] English
- [ 🇫🇮 ] Finnish | translation by Riku Rauhala
- [ 🇰🇷 ] Korean | translation by Solana Kim
Good documentation is important for all open source projects. Documentation for the application can be found in the Wiki and the .github folder. Here are links to all the relevant documents.
- Changelog
- Code of Conduct
- Contributing
- License
- Security Policy
- Software Architecture
- Software Requirements Specification
- User Manual
There are many ways to contribute! Bug reports, typo fixes and feature requests are all welcome. You may even contribute by translating the whole application into a new language. Please refer to the contribution guidelines first! Beginner open source developers are also welcome, why not make your first contribution here!
Feel free to email the maintainer if you have any questions.