My name is Luci Temple and I'm a purpose-driven front-end software engineer based in Melbourne, Australia.
I strive to do good work, with good people, for a good purpose.
- 🔭 I work with great people at an amazing med-tech software startup Annalise AI, using technologies like React, TypeScript, Jest and Node, to build a product that literally helps saves lives.
- 👯 In the past I’ve collaborated on for-purpose projects, such as Code For Australia's Civic Makers seechange project and CodeSydney's PAACT project.
- 🌱 I'm primarily skilling up in the technologies I use at work, and also slowly working my way through fullstack open in my free time.
You can find me on or
, or checkout my old training portfolio webpage (which hasn't been updated since I got my new job).
Stats cards are courtesy of @anuraghazra github-readme-stats