Functions that facilitate certain actions. Which needs to cite some parts for it to work.
- Fixed cd command
- mysql_create_value
- mysql_create_tables
- mysql_show_database
- mysql_show_tables
- fix_name_files
- NEW mysql_create_value
- NEW mysql_create_tables
- NEW mysql_show_database
- NEW mysql_show_tables
- NEW fix_name_files Will replace "undelines" with space and make the first letters of words uppercase.
- convertmillis convert milliseconds in seconds, minutes and hours Ex: (convertmillis(62000) -> output: (00, 01, 02))
- crypto_key create a key of any size.
- sql_create_values generates the value within the cited table and columns.
- sql_create_table create the table and its columns.
- file_to_binary, onvert digital data to binary format.
- hex_to_rgb. convert hex to rgb.
- rgb_to_hex convert rgb to hex.
- cal_math solve math accounts and show if you want.
- token_generate Just generate a Token with "uuid4".
- write_file It places the desired content in the file and maintains the information that exists within the file..
- read_file Show the current date.
- check_date Show the current time.
- check_time its every key piano on keyboard.
- keyboard_piano its every key piano on keyboard (
- check_file It will check if the file exists.
- console Execute command in computer terminal.
- tempo Delay execution for a given number of milliseconds.
- detect_pixel Check color pixel.
- random_num Random Value.
- openweb Open website with a Key.
- pos_color Shows color and coordinate based on mouse pointer.
- sorteio makes a random choice from a list.
- on_off One key for activate and other to desactivate.
- sorteio_porcentagem Generate random percentage.
- click clicks on the screen based on the mentioned coordinates.
- screen Collects the cited coordinates of the corners. Useful to check the colors of pixels in a certain area.
- check_imports Checks if pip(s) exists, if not, it does the installation if possible.
- check_def Look for "def" in the file behind the return.
- read_midi reads the desired midi file and returns with notes and click time
- play_sheet plays the music with the notes and the click time informed. For its operation, a piano with transpose is required that works on the keyboard arrows.
- search_files based on the given directory and the given search information, it creates a list of the files.
- pags with the list of items and the limit items in each page quoted, it will return the required value of pages for all items.
- show_pages with the list of items, the number of pages and the number of the desired page, it will show the items in the list corresponding to the page.
- shou_pages is a function based on the values received (type file=None, path=None, range_list=None), it shows the pages and their contents, which you can navigate between the pages and do searches for a file, after citing the selected file numbering, it returns the file name.
- check_updates_packages check if you need to update any package and it tells you
import Shotokatan as Shtan
# MySQL ---------
info = [
basedata = 'yup_test'
table = [
"age INT(100) NULL, name TEXT",
Shtan.mysql_create_tables(table, basedata, info)
data = shoto.mysql_show_tables(basedata, info)
data = shoto.mysql_show_database(info)
# MySQL ----------
# SQLITE --------
file = 'test.db'
Shtan.sql_create_table(file, 'People', ['Name, Age, weight'], ['int', 'str', 'float'])
tables = Shtan.sql_show_tables(file)
People = Shtan.sql_read_table(file, 'Clientes')
Shtan.sql_create_values(file, 'People', ['Name', 'Age'], ['Osvaldo', '20'])
Shtan.sql_update_value(file, 'People', 'Name', 'Finn', 'weight', '20')
Shtan.sql_delete_value(file, 'People', 'Name', 'Osvaldo')
Shtan.sql_delete_table(file, 'People')
# SQLITE --------
files = Shtan.search_files('b') #will make a list with files that have the letter "b"
file = Shtan.shou_pages('.mid', '.',)
output = Shtan.console('start notepad')
clock = Shtan.check_time() # output : 16:30
data = Shtan.check_date('%Y-%m-%d') # output: 2022-04-17
Shtan.openweb('T', '', 'chrome') # pressing T, he will open youtube on chrome, 500) # mouse click on X, Y
hex_color = Shtan.rgb_to_hex((255, 0, 0)) #return red color (255,0 , 0) in to hex
rgb_color = Shtan.hex_to_rgb(hex_color)
float_value = Shtan.random_num(0, 100, 2) # output: random float value
int_value = Shtan.random_num(0, 100, 1) # output: random int value
content = Shtan.read_midi('file.txt') # output: abc123 --> (file_content)
color_pixel = Shtan.detect_pixel(500, 500) # output: some color on that pixel. Ex: (100, 50, 255)
Shtan.write_file(['Hello', '123', '44pb'], 'some.txt', 1, '/game') # write content ['Hello', '123', '44pb'], in /game/some.txt and keep content on some.txt.
Shtan.write_file(['Hello', '123', '44pb'], 'some.txt', 0, '/game') # write content ['Hello', '123', '44pb'], in /game/some.txt and delete everything content on some.txt.
Developed by Aleph from Lotexiu(c) 2020