This mini project simulates fluid flow in a two-dimensional reservoir, allowing for the analysis of different fluid contents, including single phase oil, single phase water, single phase gas, and a traditional multi-phase black oil reservoir (oil, gas, water). The simulation models the dynamics of fluid movement and interaction within a porous medium, solving the governing equation implicitly.
Each cases, there are several implementations in Python, Matlab, Julia, and C++.
- 2D Fluid Flow Simulation: Models the movement of fluids in a two-dimensional reservoir.
- Multiple Fluid Types: Supports simulation of different fluid contents, including:
- Water
- Oil
- Gas
- Reservoir Properties: Support heterogeneous reservoir properties such as permeability, porosity, and fluid viscosities.
- Python 3.x
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
- SciPy (optional for advanced calculations)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Example to run the blackoil simulation on Julia
cd blackoil
julia main.jl