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Summary of existing GOOL library
This section will describe de GOOL Library File, dedicated to file managing.
The API File files are in the folders gool/recognizer/xxx/io/
and gool/generator/yyy/io/
where xxx
is a platform of the input and yyy
is a platform of the output. This library is implented for JAVA
(with direct mapping) and C++
, ObjC
(with indirect mapping).
: A class used to represent a file or a directory, it's similar to java.io.File
These methods are
boolean io.GoolFile.exists()
boolean io.GoolFile.createNewFile()
boolean io.GoolFile.deleteFile()
: A class for reading character files, it's similar to java.io.FileReader
: A class for writing character files, it's similar to java.io.FileWriter
: A file reader class using a character buffer, it's similar to java.io.BufferedReader
These methods are
int io.GoolBufferedReader.read()
String io.GoolBufferedReader.readLine()
void io.GoolBufferedReader.close()
: A file writer class using a character buffer, it's similar to java.io.BufferedWriter
These methods are
void io.GoolBufferedWriter.write(int car)
void io.GoolBufferedWriter.write(String cars,int from,int lg)
void io.GoolBufferedWriter.close()
: A file reader class using a byte buffer, it's similar to java.io.DataInputStream
These methods are
byte[] io.GoolDataInputStream.readBytes(int size)
: A file writer class using a byte buffer, it's similar to java.io.DataOutputStream
These methods are
void io.GoolDataOutputStream.writeBytes(byte[] msg)
This section will describe de GOOL Library Thread, dedicated to concurrent threading.
The API Thread files are in the folders gool/recognizer/xxx/thread/
and gool/generator/yyy/thread/
where xxx
is a platform of the input and yyy
is a platform of the output. This library is implented for JAVA
(with direct mapping) and C++
, ObjC
(with indirect mapping).
: A thread class, it's similar to java.lang.Thread
These methods are
void thread.GoolThread.start()
void thread.GoolThread.stop()
void thread.GoolThread.suspend()
void thread.GoolThread.interrupt()
void thread.GoolThread.join()
: A runnable interface, it's similar to java.lang.Runnable
These methods are
void thread.GoolRunnable.run()
: A semaphore class, it's similar to java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
These methods are
void thread.GoolSemaphore.acquire()
void thread.GoolSemaphore.release()
This section will describe de GOOL Library Network, dedicated to network.
The API Network files are in the folders gool/recognizer/xxx/net/
and gool/generator/yyy/net/
where xxx
is a platform of the input and yyy
is a platform of the output. This library is implented for JAVA
(with direct mapping) and C++
, ObjC
(with indirect mapping).
: A network address class, it's similar to java.net.InetAddress
These methods are
net.GoolInetAddress net.GoolInetAddress.getByName(String host)
String net.GoolInetAddress.getHostName()
String net.GoolInetAddress.getHostAddress()
: A network upd socket class, it's similar to java.net.DatagramSocket
: A network packet of socket class, it's similar to java.net.DatagramPacket
These methods are
net.GoolInetAddress net.GoolDatagramPacket.getAddress()
byte[] net.GoolDatagramPacket.getData()
int net.GoolDatagramPacket.getPort()
: A network socket class, it's similar to java.net.Socket
These methods are
void net.GoolSocket.bind(net.GoolInetAddress adds)
void net.GoolSocket.connect(net.GoolInetAddress adds)
void net.GoolSocket.disconnect()
io.GoolDataInputStream net.GoolSocket.getInputStream()
io.GoolDataOutputStream net.GoolSocket.getOutputStream()
net.GoolInetAddress net.GoolSocket.getInetAddress()
void net.GoolSocket.close()
: A network tcp socket class, it's similar to java.net.ServerSocket
These methods are
net.GoolSocket net.GoolServerSocket.accept()
void net.GoolServerSocket.bind(net.GoolInetAddress adds)
net.GoolInetAddress net.GoolServerSocket.getInetAddress()
void net.GoolServerSocket.close()
This section will describe de GOOL Library CLASSLOADER, dedicated to dynamic class loading.
The API Network files are in the folders gool/recognizer/xxx/classloader/
and gool/generator/yyy/classloader/
where xxx
is a platform of the input and yyy
is a platform of the output. This library is implented for JAVA
(with direct mapping) and PYTHON
(with indirect mapping). Prototypes are available for C++/Linux under the file gool/generator/cpp/classloader/ClassloaderForCppLinux.cpp
; and for C++/Windows under the file gool/generator/cpp/classloader/ClassloaderForCppWindow.cpp
. Yet to be tested / corrected. Moreover, we need to implement the distinction between C++/Linux and C++/Windows platforms.
ObjectiveC output is yet to do.