Online, unopinionated character sheet for Forbidden Lands.
Until the actual project is at a point where I feel comfortable releasing the source this repository is mainly going to contain translations and other supportive assets.
Any feature requests or actual issues is more than welcome to be submitted as issues in this repository.
The repository have the official character sheets attached. If any besides the ones attached exists, please make me aware.
- Czech: skaven#7544
- Norwegian Bokmål: comradekingu
- Norwegian Nynorsk: Ådne Dyrnesli
- French: Edanas
- German: Edanas and Scorp#1358
- Danish: Morten Greis Petersen
- Italian: Leonardo Paradisi
- Swedish: Andreas Larsson
- Dutch: Wim Hoek
- Portuguese (Brazil): Galdaran#4059
- Finnish: Kimi Kyllönen
The user submitted translations that aren't derived from any official Free League content are submitted with the attached MIT license. All art assets are being used WITHOUT explicit permission but I claim no ownership of anything and Free League is only a single issue/email away from me removing all of it from there and taking the app down if they so desire. [email protected]