A collection of LaTeX related-files that are intended to be useful at WLCSC.
To see a guide for getting started with LaTeX, see the file gettingstarted.md
A guide for installing these files into your LaTeX distribution might be made in the future.
For compiling a paper using mla13, using Latexmk with some customizations is recommended.
If compiling fails for some reason, see gettingstarted.md
If that does not help, report an issue and it will be looked at.
Help will be provided.
The version in this repository is a modified version of jmclawson's fork of mla13 by jackson13info. Sam Craig (Sammidysam) has made the modifications to this file.
For templates, see the templates/mla/
For examples, see the examples/mla/
An original BibTeX style file created by cg505 using makebst. This file is released under the LaTeX public license. The most recent version of said license is located at: www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt