#Janusb - Serial Port Plugin for Janus Gateway
Janusb provides a very simple interface to the low level serial port code necessary communicate with Arduino, St MicroControllers and all the IoT.
Why not!
Using janusb is pretty easy because it is pretty basic. The main goal of janusb is to send/recive JSON messages from web application to microcontroller (and vice-versa) without the knowledge of hardware.
Once you have installed all the dependencies and janus-gateway (https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway/), get the code:
git clone https://github.com/kmos/janusb
cd janusb
Then just use:
sh autogen.sh
After that, configure&compile adding the path of janus installation:
./configure --prefix=/opt/janus
make install
To also automatically install the default configuration files to use, also do a:
make config
The "janusb" project allows the communication between STM32 microcontroller and a web page. janusb is able to command the STM32 (on/off leds) and to show the data acquired from it (temperature and accelerometer). The communications is based on JSON message exchange and it is made possible by Janus WebRTC Gateway © Meetecho 2015.
You can use the example in Microcontroller dir to flash the Stm32f4 Microcontroller and test the plugin.