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watchman is a lightwight, easy-to-use process monitor. It's written in a mix of Lua and C.


You will need the following components first:

  1. Lua 5.1
  2. LuaRocks
  3. libev

Then simply do:

sudo luarocks install lua_signal
sudo luarocks install
sudo luarocks install


watchman has a couple of features you won't find in other similar tools:

  • It's event based (we're using great libev library);
  • You may watch for such events as: process state changes, file/directory changes, cron-based time events;
  • watchman watches for changes in its configuration file itself, if a change is detected it's automatically picked up (no running processes are stopped);
  • watchman uses Linux ptrace() facility and can detect daemonizing processes automatically - it doesn't have to track pid-files.

Sample script

NGINX_CONF = '/etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf'

-- Launch nginx daemon (and respawn it if it goes down)
nginx = process 'nginx' { '/usr/sbin/nginx -c ' .. NGINX_CONF }

-- Reload nginx (by sending SIGHUP) if the config file changes
watch_contents(NGINX_CONF, nginx.reload)


Let's say you want to start (and keep it running) the nginx web server. You would start with a simple nginx.lua configuration file:

nginx = process 'nginx' '/usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf'

That's it. Let's start running this configuration file:

watchman nginx.lua

nginx is now running. Let's open another terminal window and try to terminate it:

killall nginx

You should see the following output in the watchman window:

Process terminated: nginx
Starting nginx.

As you see, watchman detected that the process was killed and restarted it automatically.

Let's add another process for watchman to monitor. Without stopping watchman, add the following line to nginx.lua:

process 'cat' '/bin/cat'

Right after you saved this file you should see the following output in the watchman console:

Starting cat.

nginx is of course still running!

What if we wanted to automatically reload nginx when the configuration file is modified? nginx can reload its configuration while running. But it doesn't autodetect modifications to this file. Fortunately watchman can do this pretty well. Simply add the following line to our nginx.lua:

watch_contents('/etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf', nginx.reload)

Now, whenever we modify nginx.conf the nginx process will get SIGHUP signal.


These are functions you may use in watchman configuration files:

  • process(process_name)(process_options)
  • watch_process(process, callback)
  • unwatch_process(process [, callback])
  • watch_path(path, callback)
  • unwatch_path(path [, callback])
  • watch_contents(path, callback)
  • unwatch_contents(path [, callback])
  • watch_cron(cron_spec, callback)
  • unwatch_cron(cron_spec [, callback])


watchman uses the following great components:


watchman is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.1.


Lightwight, Lua-based process monitor







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