This code retrieves reviews from the Yotpo API and displays them on a webpage.
The code does the following:
- Imports the necessary libraries and styles.
- Defines the layout of the webpage.
- Retrieves the Yotpo API credentials.
- Fetches the reviews from the Yotpo API.
- Formats the reviews into HTML elements.
- Displays the formatted reviews on the webpage.
The webpage displays the following information for each review:
- The user's avatar (from Gravatar).
- The review title and content.
- The user's name and the review date.
- The star rating (as a row of stars).
To use this code, you will need to:
- Replace APP_KEY and AUTH_TOKEN with your own Yotpo API credentials.
- Copy the code into an HTML file.
- Open the HTML file in a web browser.
- The code will fetch the reviews from the Yotpo API and display them on the webpage.
This code relies on the following libraries:
- tailwindcss (from a CDN)
- crypto-js (from a CDN)
- font-awesome (from a CDN)
This code is licensed under the GPL License.