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aarch64 default r notebook 52f7f3b5d565

mathbunnyru edited this page Jan 28, 2025 · 1 revision

Build manifest for image: r-notebook:52f7f3b5d565

Build Info

Don't override singleuser ip to (#2203)

Co-authored-by: Ayaz Salikhov <[email protected]>

Python Packages

Python 3.12.8

conda info:

     active environment : None
       user config file : /home/jovyan/.condarc
 populated config files : /opt/conda/.condarc
          conda version : 25.1.0
    conda-build version : not installed
         python version :
                 solver : libmamba (default)
       virtual packages : __archspec=1=neoverse_n1
       base environment : /opt/conda  (writable)
      conda av data dir : /opt/conda/etc/conda
  conda av metadata url : None
           channel URLs :
          package cache : /opt/conda/pkgs
       envs directories : /opt/conda/envs
               platform : linux-aarch64
             user-agent : conda/25.1.0 requests/2.32.3 CPython/3.12.8 Linux/6.8.0-1021-gcp ubuntu/24.04.1 glibc/2.39 solver/libmamba conda-libmamba-solver/25.1.1 libmambapy/2.0.5
                UID:GID : 1000:100
             netrc file : None
           offline mode : False

mamba info:

       libmamba version : 2.0.5
          mamba version : 2.0.5
           curl version : libcurl/8.11.1 OpenSSL/3.4.0 zlib/1.3.1 zstd/1.5.6 libssh2/1.11.1 nghttp2/1.64.0
     libarchive version : libarchive 3.7.7 zlib/1.3.1 liblzma/5.6.3 bz2lib/1.0.8 liblz4/1.10.0 libzstd/1.5.6
       envs directories : /opt/conda/envs
          package cache : /opt/conda/pkgs
            environment : base
           env location : /opt/conda
      user config files : /home/jovyan/.mambarc
 populated config files : /opt/conda/.condarc
       virtual packages : __unix=0=0
               channels :
       base environment : /opt/conda
               platform : linux-aarch64

mamba list:

DEPRECATION: --no-python-version-warning is deprecated. pip 25.1 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible replacement is to remove the flag as it's a no-op. Discussion can be found at
List of packages in environment: "/opt/conda"

  Name                           Version         Build                     Channel
  _openmp_mutex                  4.5             2_gnu                     conda-forge
  _r-mutex                       1.0.1           anacondar_1               conda-forge
  alembic                        1.14.1          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  annotated-types                0.7.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  anyio                          4.8.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  archspec                       0.2.5           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  argon2-cffi                    23.1.0          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  argon2-cffi-bindings           21.2.0          py312hb2c0f52_5           conda-forge
  arrow                          1.3.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  asttokens                      3.0.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  async-lru                      2.0.4           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  async_generator                1.10            pyhd8ed1ab_2              conda-forge
  attrs                          25.1.0          pyh71513ae_0              conda-forge
  babel                          2.16.0          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  beautifulsoup4                 4.12.3          pyha770c72_1              conda-forge
  binutils_impl_linux-aarch64    2.43            h4c662bb_2                conda-forge
  bleach                         6.2.0           pyh29332c3_4              conda-forge
  bleach-with-css                6.2.0           h82add2a_4                conda-forge
  blinker                        1.9.0           pyhff2d567_0              conda-forge
  boltons                        24.0.0          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  brotli-python                  1.1.0           py312h6f74592_2           conda-forge
  bwidget                        1.10.1          h8af1aa0_0                conda-forge
  bzip2                          1.0.8           h68df207_7                conda-forge
  c-ares                         1.34.4          h86ecc28_0                conda-forge
  ca-certificates                2024.12.14      hcefe29a_0                conda-forge
  cached-property                1.5.2           hd8ed1ab_1                conda-forge
  cached_property                1.5.2           pyha770c72_1              conda-forge
  cairo                          1.18.2          h83712da_1                conda-forge
  certifi                        2024.12.14      pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  certipy                        0.2.1           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  cffi                           1.17.1          py312hac81daf_0           conda-forge
  charset-normalizer             3.4.1           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  colorama                       0.4.6           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  comm                           0.2.2           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  conda                          25.1.0          py312h996f985_0           conda-forge
  conda-libmamba-solver          25.1.1          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  conda-package-handling         2.4.0           pyh7900ff3_2              conda-forge
  conda-package-streaming        0.11.0          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  cpp-expected                   1.1.0           h4c384f3_0                conda-forge
  cryptography                   44.0.0          py312he723553_1           conda-forge
  curl                           8.11.1          h6702fde_0                conda-forge
  debugpy                        1.8.12          py312h6f74592_0           conda-forge
  decorator                      5.1.1           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  defusedxml                     0.7.1           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  distro                         1.9.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  entrypoints                    0.4             pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  exceptiongroup                 1.2.2           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  executing                      2.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  fmt                            11.0.2          h70be974_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono      2.37            hab24e00_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-inconsolata           3.000           h77eed37_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-source-code-pro       2.038           h77eed37_0                conda-forge
  font-ttf-ubuntu                0.83            h77eed37_3                conda-forge
  fontconfig                     2.15.0          h8dda3cd_1                conda-forge
  fonts-conda-ecosystem          1               0                         conda-forge
  fonts-conda-forge              1               0                         conda-forge
  fqdn                           1.5.1           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  freetype                       2.12.1          hf0a5ef3_2                conda-forge
  fribidi                        1.0.10          hb9de7d4_0                conda-forge
  frozendict                     2.4.6           py312hb2c0f52_0           conda-forge
  gcc_impl_linux-aarch64         14.2.0          hc4119dd_1                conda-forge
  gfortran_impl_linux-aarch64    14.2.0          hddc744a_1                conda-forge
  graphite2                      1.3.13          h2f0025b_1003             conda-forge
  greenlet                       3.1.1           py312h6f74592_1           conda-forge
  gsl                            2.7             h294027d_0                conda-forge
  gxx_impl_linux-aarch64         14.2.0          h03d099d_1                conda-forge
  h11                            0.14.0          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  h2                             4.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  harfbuzz                       9.0.0           hbf49d6b_1                conda-forge
  hpack                          4.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  httpcore                       1.0.7           pyh29332c3_1              conda-forge
  httpx                          0.28.1          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  hyperframe                     6.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  icu                            75.1            hf9b3779_0                conda-forge
  idna                           3.10            pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  importlib-metadata             8.6.1           pyha770c72_0              conda-forge
  importlib_resources            6.5.2           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  ipykernel                      6.29.5          pyh3099207_0              conda-forge
  ipython                        8.31.0          pyh707e725_0              conda-forge
  ipython_genutils               0.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_2              conda-forge
  isoduration                    20.11.0         pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jedi                           0.19.2          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jinja2                         3.1.5           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  json5                          0.10.0          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jsonpatch                      1.33            pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jsonpointer                    3.0.0           py312h996f985_1           conda-forge
  jsonschema                     4.23.0          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jsonschema-specifications      2024.10.1       pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jsonschema-with-format-nongpl  4.23.0          hd8ed1ab_1                conda-forge
  jupyter-lsp                    2.2.5           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jupyter_client                 8.6.3           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jupyter_core                   5.7.2           pyh31011fe_1              conda-forge
  jupyter_events                 0.11.0          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  jupyter_server                 2.15.0          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  jupyter_server_terminals       0.5.3           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  jupyterhub-base                5.2.1           pyh31011fe_0              conda-forge
  jupyterhub-singleuser          5.2.1           pyh31011fe_0              conda-forge
  jupyterlab                     4.3.4           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  jupyterlab_pygments            0.3.0           pyhd8ed1ab_2              conda-forge
  jupyterlab_server              2.27.3          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  kernel-headers_linux-aarch64   4.18.0          h05a177a_18               conda-forge
  keyutils                       1.6.1           h4e544f5_0                conda-forge
  krb5                           1.21.3          h50a48e9_0                conda-forge
  ld_impl_linux-aarch64          2.43            h80caac9_2                conda-forge
  lerc                           4.0.0           h4de3ea5_0                conda-forge
  libarchive                     3.7.7           h6223a6c_3                conda-forge
  libblas                        3.9.0           26_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  libcblas                       3.9.0           26_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  libcurl                        8.11.1          h6702fde_0                conda-forge
  libdeflate                     1.23            h5e3c512_0                conda-forge
  libedit                        3.1.20240808    pl5321h976ea20_0          conda-forge
  libev                          4.33            h31becfc_2                conda-forge
  libexpat                       2.6.4           h5ad3122_0                conda-forge
  libffi                         3.4.2           h3557bc0_5                conda-forge
  libgcc                         14.2.0          he277a41_1                conda-forge
  libgcc-devel_linux-aarch64     14.2.0          h46490cb_101              conda-forge
  libgcc-ng                      14.2.0          he9431aa_1                conda-forge
  libgfortran                    14.2.0          he9431aa_1                conda-forge
  libgfortran-ng                 14.2.0          he9431aa_1                conda-forge
  libgfortran5                   14.2.0          hb6113d0_1                conda-forge
  libgit2                        1.8.4           h9e21705_1                conda-forge
  libglib                        2.82.2          hc486b8e_1                conda-forge
  libgomp                        14.2.0          he277a41_1                conda-forge
  libiconv                       1.17            h31becfc_2                conda-forge
  libjpeg-turbo                  3.0.0           h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  liblapack                      3.9.0           26_linuxaarch64_openblas  conda-forge
  liblzma                        5.6.3           h86ecc28_1                conda-forge
  libmamba                       2.0.5           h4f7d7cb_1                conda-forge
  libmambapy                     2.0.5           py312h3a133d2_1           conda-forge
  libnghttp2                     1.64.0          hc8609a4_0                conda-forge
  libnsl                         2.0.1           h31becfc_0                conda-forge
  libopenblas                    0.3.28          pthreads_h9d3fd7e_1       conda-forge
  libpng                         1.6.46          hec79eb8_0                conda-forge
  libsanitizer                   14.2.0          hff26f3d_1                conda-forge
  libsodium                      1.0.20          h68df207_0                conda-forge
  libsolv                        0.7.30          h62756fc_0                conda-forge
  libsqlite                      3.48.0          h5eb1b54_1                conda-forge
  libssh2                        1.11.1          ha41c0db_0                conda-forge
  libstdcxx                      14.2.0          h3f4de04_1                conda-forge
  libstdcxx-devel_linux-aarch64  14.2.0          h46490cb_101              conda-forge
  libstdcxx-ng                   14.2.0          hf1166c9_1                conda-forge
  libtiff                        4.7.0           h88f7998_3                conda-forge
  libuuid                        2.38.1          hb4cce97_0                conda-forge
  libuv                          1.50.0          h86ecc28_0                conda-forge
  libwebp-base                   1.5.0           h0886dbf_0                conda-forge
  libxcb                         1.17.0          h262b8f6_0                conda-forge
  libxcrypt                      4.4.36          h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  libxml2                        2.13.5          h2e0c361_1                conda-forge
  libzlib                        1.3.1           h86ecc28_2                conda-forge
  lz4-c                          1.10.0          h5ad3122_1                conda-forge
  lzo                            2.10            h31becfc_1001             conda-forge
  make                           4.4.1           h2a6d0cb_2                conda-forge
  mako                           1.3.8           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  mamba                          2.0.5           h243aa41_1                conda-forge
  markupsafe                     3.0.2           py312h74ce7d3_1           conda-forge
  matplotlib-inline              0.1.7           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  menuinst                       2.2.0           py312h996f985_0           conda-forge
  mistune                        3.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  nbclassic                      1.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  nbclient                       0.10.2          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  nbconvert-core                 7.16.5          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  nbformat                       5.10.4          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  ncurses                        6.5             ha32ae93_2                conda-forge
  nest-asyncio                   1.6.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  nlohmann_json                  3.11.3          h0a1ffab_1                conda-forge
  notebook                       7.3.2           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  notebook-shim                  0.2.4           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  oauthlib                       3.2.2           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  openssl                        3.4.0           hd08dc88_1                conda-forge
  overrides                      7.7.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  packaging                      24.2            pyhd8ed1ab_2              conda-forge
  pamela                         1.2.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  pandoc                         3.6.2           h8af1aa0_0                conda-forge
  pandocfilters                  1.5.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  pango                          1.54.0          hf175a2e_3                conda-forge
  parso                          0.8.4           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  pcre2                          10.44           h070dd5b_2                conda-forge
  pexpect                        4.9.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  pickleshare                    0.7.5           pyhd8ed1ab_1004           conda-forge
  pip                            25.0            pyh8b19718_0              conda-forge
  pixman                         0.44.2          h86a87f0_0                conda-forge
  pkgutil-resolve-name           1.3.10          pyhd8ed1ab_2              conda-forge
  platformdirs                   4.3.6           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  pluggy                         1.5.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  prometheus_client              0.21.1          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  prompt-toolkit                 3.0.50          pyha770c72_0              conda-forge
  psutil                         6.1.1           py312hb2c0f52_0           conda-forge
  pthread-stubs                  0.4             h86ecc28_1002             conda-forge
  ptyprocess                     0.7.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  pure_eval                      0.2.3           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  pybind11-abi                   4               hd8ed1ab_3                conda-forge
  pycosat                        0.6.6           py312hb2c0f52_2           conda-forge
  pycparser                      2.22            pyh29332c3_1              conda-forge
  pydantic                       2.10.6          pyh3cfb1c2_0              conda-forge
  pydantic-core                  2.27.2          py312h8cbf658_0           conda-forge
  pygments                       2.19.1          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  pyjwt                          2.10.1          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  pysocks                        1.7.1           pyha55dd90_7              conda-forge
  python                         3.12.8          h1683364_1_cpython        conda-forge
  python-dateutil                2.9.0.post0     pyhff2d567_1              conda-forge
  python-fastjsonschema          2.21.1          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  python-json-logger             2.0.7           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  python_abi                     3.12            5_cp312                   conda-forge
  pytz                           2024.2          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  pyyaml                         6.0.2           py312hcc812fe_2           conda-forge
  pyzmq                          26.2.0          py312h2427ae1_3           conda-forge
  r-askpass                      1.2.1           r44hdd76399_0             conda-forge
  r-assertthat                   0.2.1           r44hc72bb7e_5             conda-forge
  r-backports                    1.5.0           r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-base                         4.4.2           h704e9fa_2                conda-forge
  r-base64enc                    0.1_3           r44hc1cf72c_1007          conda-forge
  r-bit                         r44hdd76399_0             conda-forge
  r-bit64                        4.5.2           r44hdd76399_0             conda-forge
  r-bitops                       1.0_9           r44hdd76399_0             conda-forge
  r-blob                         1.2.4           r44hc72bb7e_2             conda-forge
  r-brew                         1.0_10          r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-brio                         1.1.5           r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-broom                        1.0.7           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-bslib                        0.8.0           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-cachem                       1.1.0           r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-callr                        3.7.6           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-caret                        6.0_94          r44hc1cf72c_2             conda-forge
  r-cellranger                   1.1.0           r44hc72bb7e_1007          conda-forge
  r-class                        7.3_23          r44hdd76399_0             conda-forge
  r-cli                          3.6.3           r44h6170684_1             conda-forge
  r-clipr                        0.8.0           r44hc72bb7e_3             conda-forge
  r-clock                        0.7.1           r44h6170684_0             conda-forge
  r-codetools                    0.2_20          r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-colorspace                   2.1_1           r44hc1cf72c_0             conda-forge
  r-commonmark                   1.9.2           r44hdd76399_0             conda-forge
  r-conflicted                   1.2.0           r44h785f33e_2             conda-forge
  r-cpp11                        0.5.1           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-crayon                       1.5.3           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-credentials                  2.0.2           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-curl                         6.0.1           r44h8829f0d_0             conda-forge
  r-data.table                   1.16.4          r44he45995e_0             conda-forge
  r-dbi                          1.2.3           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-dbplyr                       2.5.0           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-desc                         1.4.3           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-devtools                     2.4.5           r44hc72bb7e_3             conda-forge
  r-diagram                      1.6.5           r44ha770c72_3             conda-forge
  r-dials                        1.3.0           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-dicedesign                   1.10            r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-diffobj                      0.3.5           r44hc1cf72c_3             conda-forge
  r-digest                       0.6.37          r44h6170684_0             conda-forge
  r-dofuture                     1.0.1           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-downlit                      0.4.4           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-dplyr                        1.1.4           r44h6170684_1             conda-forge
  r-dtplyr                       1.3.1           r44hc72bb7e_2             conda-forge
  r-e1071                        1.7_16          r44h21d2c02_0             conda-forge
  r-ellipsis                     0.3.2           r44hc1cf72c_3             conda-forge
  r-evaluate                     1.0.3           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-fansi                        1.0.6           r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-farver                       2.1.2           r44h6170684_1             conda-forge
  r-fastmap                      1.2.0           r44h6170684_1             conda-forge
  r-fontawesome                  0.5.3           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-forcats                      1.0.0           r44hc72bb7e_2             conda-forge
  r-foreach                      1.5.2           r44hc72bb7e_3             conda-forge
  r-forecast                     8.23.0          r44h9d8d865_1             conda-forge
  r-fracdiff                     1.5_3           r44h7ec8b4a_1             conda-forge
  r-fs                           1.6.5           r44h21d2c02_0             conda-forge
  r-furrr                        0.3.1           r44hc72bb7e_3             conda-forge
  r-future                       1.34.0          r44h785f33e_0             conda-forge
  r-future.apply                 1.11.3          r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-gargle                       1.5.2           r44h785f33e_1             conda-forge
  r-generics                     0.1.3           r44hc72bb7e_3             conda-forge
  r-gert                         2.1.4           r44hd9c74a6_0             conda-forge
  r-ggplot2                      3.5.1           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-gh                           1.4.1           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-gitcreds                     0.1.2           r44hc72bb7e_3             conda-forge
  r-globals                      0.16.3          r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-glue                         1.8.0           r44hdd76399_0             conda-forge
  r-googledrive                  2.1.1           r44hc72bb7e_2             conda-forge
  r-googlesheets4                1.1.1           r44h785f33e_2             conda-forge
  r-gower                        1.0.1           r44hc1cf72c_2             conda-forge
  r-gpfit                        1.0_8           r44hc72bb7e_4             conda-forge
  r-gtable                       0.3.6           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
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  r-r6                           2.5.1           r44hc72bb7e_3             conda-forge
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  r-timechange                   0.3.0           r44h6170684_1             conda-forge
  r-timedate                     4041.110        r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-tinytex                      0.54            r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-tseries                      0.10_58         r44h65a6711_0             conda-forge
  r-ttr                          0.24.4          r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-tune                         1.2.1           r44hc72bb7e_2             conda-forge
  r-tzdb                         0.4.0           r44h6170684_2             conda-forge
  r-urca                         1.3_4           r44h5b510ea_1             conda-forge
  r-urlchecker                   1.0.1           r44hc72bb7e_3             conda-forge
  r-usethis                      3.1.0           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-utf8                         1.2.4           r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-uuid                         1.2_1           r44hc1cf72c_0             conda-forge
  r-vctrs                        0.6.5           r44h6170684_1             conda-forge
  r-viridislite                  0.4.2           r44hc72bb7e_2             conda-forge
  r-vroom                        1.6.5           r44h6170684_1             conda-forge
  r-waldo                        0.6.1           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-warp                         0.2.1           r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-whisker                      0.4.1           r44hc72bb7e_2             conda-forge
  r-withr                        3.0.2           r44hc72bb7e_0             conda-forge
  r-workflows                    1.1.4           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-workflowsets                 1.1.0           r44h785f33e_1             conda-forge
  r-xfun                         0.50            r44h21d2c02_0             conda-forge
  r-xml2                         1.3.6           r44h8669be1_2             conda-forge
  r-xopen                        1.0.1           r44hc72bb7e_1             conda-forge
  r-xtable                       1.8_4           r44hc72bb7e_6             conda-forge
  r-xts                          0.14.1          r44hdd76399_0             conda-forge
  r-yaml                         2.3.10          r44hc1cf72c_0             conda-forge
  r-yardstick                    1.3.1           r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-zip                          2.3.1           r44hc1cf72c_1             conda-forge
  r-zoo                          1.8_12          r44hc1cf72c_2             conda-forge
  readline                       8.2             h8fc344f_1                conda-forge
  referencing                    0.36.2          pyh29332c3_0              conda-forge
  reproc                         14.2.4.post0    h31becfc_1                conda-forge
  reproc-cpp                     14.2.4.post0    h2f0025b_1                conda-forge
  requests                       2.32.3          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  rfc3339-validator              0.1.4           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  rfc3986-validator              0.1.1           pyh9f0ad1d_0              conda-forge
  rpds-py                        0.22.3          py312ha4e36d7_0           conda-forge
  ruamel.yaml                    0.18.10         py312hb2c0f52_0           conda-forge
  ruamel.yaml.clib               0.2.8           py312hb2c0f52_1           conda-forge
  sed                            4.8             ha0d5d3d_0                conda-forge
  send2trash                     1.8.3           pyh0d859eb_1              conda-forge
  setuptools                     75.8.0          pyhff2d567_0              conda-forge
  simdjson                       3.11.6          h17cf362_0                conda-forge
  six                            1.17.0          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  sniffio                        1.3.1           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  soupsieve                      2.5             pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  spdlog                         1.15.0          h64e8063_0                conda-forge
  sqlalchemy                     2.0.37          py312h52516f5_0           conda-forge
  stack_data                     0.6.3           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  sysroot_linux-aarch64          2.17            h68829e0_18               conda-forge
  terminado                      0.18.1          pyh0d859eb_0              conda-forge
  tinycss2                       1.4.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  tk                             8.6.13          h194ca79_0                conda-forge
  tktable                        2.10            h52f7bd3_6                conda-forge
  tomli                          2.2.1           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  tornado                        6.4.2           py312h52516f5_0           conda-forge
  tqdm                           4.67.1          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  traitlets                      5.14.3          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  truststore                     0.10.0          pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  types-python-dateutil  pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  typing-extensions              4.12.2          hd8ed1ab_1                conda-forge
  typing_extensions              4.12.2          pyha770c72_1              conda-forge
  typing_utils                   0.1.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  tzdata                         2025a           h78e105d_0                conda-forge
  unixodbc                       2.3.12          h7b6a552_0                conda-forge
  uri-template                   1.3.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  urllib3                        2.3.0           pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  wcwidth                        0.2.13          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  webcolors                      24.11.1         pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
  webencodings                   0.5.1           pyhd8ed1ab_3              conda-forge
  websocket-client               1.8.0           pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  wheel                          0.45.1          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  xorg-libice                    1.1.2           h86ecc28_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libsm                     1.2.5           h0808dbd_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libx11                    1.8.10          hca56bd8_1                conda-forge
  xorg-libxau                    1.0.12          h86ecc28_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxdmcp                  1.1.5           h57736b2_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxext                   1.3.6           h57736b2_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxrender                0.9.12          h86ecc28_0                conda-forge
  xorg-libxt                     1.3.1           h57736b2_0                conda-forge
  yaml                           0.2.5           hf897c2e_2                conda-forge
  yaml-cpp                       0.8.0           h2f0025b_0                conda-forge
  zeromq                         4.3.5           h5efb499_7                conda-forge
  zipp                           3.21.0          pyhd8ed1ab_1              conda-forge
  zstandard                      0.23.0          py312hb698573_1           conda-forge
  zstd                           1.5.6           h02f22dd_0                conda-forge

Apt Packages

apt list --installed:

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

adduser/now 3.137ubuntu1 all [installed,local]
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libodbcinst2/now 2.3.12-1ubuntu0.24.04.1 arm64 [installed,local]
libp11-kit0/now 0.25.3-4ubuntu2.1 arm64 [installed,local]
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libpam-modules/now 1.5.3-5ubuntu5.1 arm64 [installed,local]
libpam-runtime/now 1.5.3-5ubuntu5.1 all [installed,local]
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libpangoft2-1.0-0/now 1.52.1+ds-1build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libpaper-utils/now 1.1.29build1 arm64 [installed,local]
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libptexenc1/now 2023.20230311.66589-9build3 arm64 [installed,local]
libpython3-stdlib/now 3.12.3-0ubuntu2 arm64 [installed,local]
libpython3.12-minimal/now 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.4 arm64 [installed,local]
libpython3.12-stdlib/now 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.4 arm64 [installed,local]
libreadline8t64/now 8.2-4build1 arm64 [installed,local]
librtmp1/now 2.4+20151223.gitfa8646d.1-2build7 arm64 [installed,local]
libsasl2-2/now 2.1.28+dfsg1-5ubuntu3.1 arm64 [installed,local]
libsasl2-modules-db/now 2.1.28+dfsg1-5ubuntu3.1 arm64 [installed,local]
libseccomp2/now 2.5.5-1ubuntu3.1 arm64 [installed,local]
libselinux1/now 3.5-2ubuntu2.1 arm64 [installed,local]
libsemanage-common/now 3.5-1build5 all [installed,local]
libsemanage2/now 3.5-1build5 arm64 [installed,local]
libsepol2/now 3.5-2build1 arm64 [installed,local]
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libsm6/now 2:1.2.3-1build3 arm64 [installed,local]
libsmartcols1/now 2.39.3-9ubuntu6.2 arm64 [installed,local]
libsqlite3-0/now 3.45.1-1ubuntu2 arm64 [installed,local]
libss2/now 1.47.0-2.4~exp1ubuntu4.1 arm64 [installed,local]
libssh-4/now 0.10.6-2build2 arm64 [installed,local]
libssl3t64/now 3.0.13-0ubuntu3.4 arm64 [installed,local]
libstdc++6/now 14.2.0-4ubuntu2~24.04 arm64 [installed,local]
libsynctex2/now 2023.20230311.66589-9build3 arm64 [installed,local]
libsystemd0/now 255.4-1ubuntu8.4 arm64 [installed,local]
libtasn1-6/now 4.19.0-3build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libtcl8.6/now 8.6.14+dfsg-1build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libteckit0/now 2.5.12+ds1-1 arm64 [installed,local]
libtexlua53-5/now 2023.20230311.66589-9build3 arm64 [installed,local]
libthai-data/now 0.1.29-2build1 all [installed,local]
libthai0/now 0.1.29-2build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libtiff6/now 4.5.1+git230720-4ubuntu2.2 arm64 [installed,local]
libtinfo6/now 6.4+20240113-1ubuntu2 arm64 [installed,local]
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libudev1/now 255.4-1ubuntu8.4 arm64 [installed,local]
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libwebp7/now 1.3.2-0.4build3 arm64 [installed,local]
libx11-6/now 2:1.8.7-1build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libx11-data/now 2:1.8.7-1build1 all [installed,local]
libxau6/now 1:1.0.9-1build6 arm64 [installed,local]
libxaw7/now 2:1.0.14-1build2 arm64 [installed,local]
libxcb-render0/now 1.15-1ubuntu2 arm64 [installed,local]
libxcb-shm0/now 1.15-1ubuntu2 arm64 [installed,local]
libxcb1/now 1.15-1ubuntu2 arm64 [installed,local]
libxdmcp6/now 1:1.1.3-0ubuntu6 arm64 [installed,local]
libxext6/now 2:1.3.4-1build2 arm64 [installed,local]
libxft2/now 2.3.6-1build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libxi6/now 2:1.8.1-1build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libxmu6/now 2:1.1.3-3build2 arm64 [installed,local]
libxpm4/now 1:3.5.17-1build2 arm64 [installed,local]
libxrender1/now 1:0.9.10-1.1build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libxss1/now 1:1.2.3-1build3 arm64 [installed,local]
libxt6t64/now 1:1.2.1-1.2build1 arm64 [installed,local]
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libyaml-0-2/now 0.2.5-1build1 arm64 [installed,local]
libzstd1/now 1.5.5+dfsg2-2build1.1 arm64 [installed,local]
libzzip-0-13t64/now 0.13.72+dfsg.1-1.2build1 arm64 [installed,local]
linux-libc-dev/now 6.8.0-52.53 arm64 [installed,local]
locales/now 2.39-0ubuntu8.3 all [installed,local]
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mawk/now arm64 [installed,local]
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nano-tiny/now 7.2-2ubuntu0.1 arm64 [installed,local]
ncurses-base/now 6.4+20240113-1ubuntu2 all [installed,local]
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netbase/now 6.4 all [installed,local]
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pandoc-data/now 3.1.3-1 all [installed,local]
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procps/now 2:4.0.4-4ubuntu3.2 arm64 [installed,local]
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python3.12-minimal/now 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.4 arm64 [installed,local]
python3.12/now 3.12.3-1ubuntu0.4 arm64 [installed,local]
python3/now 3.12.3-0ubuntu2 arm64 [installed,local]
r-base-core/now 4.3.3-2build2 arm64 [installed,local]
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rpcsvc-proto/now 1.4.2-0ubuntu7 arm64 [installed,local]
run-one/now 1.17-0ubuntu2 all [installed,local]
sed/now 4.9-2build1 arm64 [installed,local]
sensible-utils/now 0.0.22 all [installed,local]
sudo/now 1.9.15p5-3ubuntu5 arm64 [installed,local]
sysvinit-utils/now 3.08-6ubuntu3 arm64 [installed,local]
t1utils/now 1.41-4build3 arm64 [installed,local]
tar/now 1.35+dfsg-3build1 arm64 [installed,local]
teckit/now 2.5.12+ds1-1 arm64 [installed,local]
tex-common/now 6.18 all [installed,local]
texlive-base/now 2023.20240207-1 all [installed,local]
texlive-binaries/now 2023.20230311.66589-9build3 arm64 [installed,local]
texlive-fonts-recommended/now 2023.20240207-1 all [installed,local]
texlive-latex-base/now 2023.20240207-1 all [installed,local]
texlive-latex-extra/now 2023.20240207-1 all [installed,local]
texlive-latex-recommended/now 2023.20240207-1 all [installed,local]
texlive-pictures/now 2023.20240207-1 all [installed,local]
texlive-plain-generic/now 2023.20240207-1 all [installed,local]
texlive-xetex/now 2023.20240207-1 all [installed,local]
tini/now 0.19.0-1 arm64 [installed,local]
tipa/now 2:1.3-21 all [installed,local]
tzdata/now 2024a-3ubuntu1.1 all [installed,local]
ubuntu-keyring/now 2023.11.28.1 all [installed,local]
ucf/now 3.0043+nmu1 all [installed,local]
unixodbc-common/now 2.3.12-1ubuntu0.24.04.1 all [installed,local]
unixodbc-dev/now 2.3.12-1ubuntu0.24.04.1 arm64 [installed,local]
unixodbc/now 2.3.12-1ubuntu0.24.04.1 arm64 [installed,local]
unzip/now 6.0-28ubuntu4.1 arm64 [installed,local]
util-linux/now 2.39.3-9ubuntu6.2 arm64 [installed,local]
vim-common/now 2:9.1.0016-1ubuntu7.6 all [installed,local]
vim-tiny/now 2:9.1.0016-1ubuntu7.6 arm64 [installed,local]
wget/now 1.21.4-1ubuntu4.1 arm64 [installed,local]
x11-common/now 1:7.7+23ubuntu3 all [installed,local]
xclip/now 0.13-3 arm64 [installed,local]
xdg-utils/now 1.1.3-4.1ubuntu3 all [installed,local]
zip/now 3.0-13ubuntu0.1 arm64 [installed,local]
zlib1g/now 1:1.3.dfsg-3.1ubuntu2.1 arm64 [installed,local]

R Packages

R --version:

R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31) -- "Pile of Leaves"
Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: aarch64-conda-linux-gnu

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License versions 2 or 3.
For more information about these matters see

R --silent -e 'installed.packages(.Library)[, c(1,3)]':

> installed.packages(.Library)[, c(1,3)]
              Package         Version
askpass       "askpass"       "1.2.1"
assertthat    "assertthat"    "0.2.1"
backports     "backports"     "1.5.0"
base          "base"          "4.4.2"
base64enc     "base64enc"     "0.1-3"
bit           "bit"           ""
bit64         "bit64"         "4.5.2"
bitops        "bitops"        "1.0-9"
blob          "blob"          "1.2.4"
brew          "brew"          "1.0-10"
brio          "brio"          "1.1.5"
broom         "broom"         "1.0.7"
bslib         "bslib"         "0.8.0"
cachem        "cachem"        "1.1.0"
callr         "callr"         "3.7.6"
caret         "caret"         "6.0-94"
cellranger    "cellranger"    "1.1.0"
class         "class"         "7.3-23"
cli           "cli"           "3.6.3"
clipr         "clipr"         "0.8.0"
clock         "clock"         "0.7.1"
codetools     "codetools"     "0.2-20"
colorspace    "colorspace"    "2.1-1"
commonmark    "commonmark"    "1.9.2"
compiler      "compiler"      "4.4.2"
conflicted    "conflicted"    "1.2.0"
cpp11         "cpp11"         "0.5.1"
crayon        "crayon"        "1.5.3"
credentials   "credentials"   "2.0.2"
curl          "curl"          "6.0.1"
data.table    "data.table"    "1.16.4"
datasets      "datasets"      "4.4.2"
DBI           "DBI"           "1.2.3"
dbplyr        "dbplyr"        "2.5.0"
desc          "desc"          "1.4.3"
devtools      "devtools"      "2.4.5"
diagram       "diagram"       "1.6.5"
dials         "dials"         "1.3.0"
DiceDesign    "DiceDesign"    "1.10"
diffobj       "diffobj"       "0.3.5"
digest        "digest"        "0.6.37"
doFuture      "doFuture"      "1.0.1"
downlit       "downlit"       "0.4.4"
dplyr         "dplyr"         "1.1.4"
dtplyr        "dtplyr"        "1.3.1"
e1071         "e1071"         "1.7-16"
ellipsis      "ellipsis"      "0.3.2"
evaluate      "evaluate"      "1.0.3"
fansi         "fansi"         "1.0.6"
farver        "farver"        "2.1.2"
fastmap       "fastmap"       "1.2.0"
fontawesome   "fontawesome"   "0.5.3"
forcats       "forcats"       "1.0.0"
foreach       "foreach"       "1.5.2"
forecast      "forecast"      "8.23.0"
fracdiff      "fracdiff"      "1.5-3"
fs            "fs"            "1.6.5"
furrr         "furrr"         "0.3.1"
future        "future"        "1.34.0"
future.apply  "future.apply"  "1.11.3"
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gert          "gert"          "2.1.4"
ggplot2       "ggplot2"       "3.5.1"
gh            "gh"            "1.4.1"
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globals       "globals"       "0.16.3"
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googledrive   "googledrive"   "2.1.1"
googlesheets4 "googlesheets4" "1.1.1"
gower         "gower"         "1.0.1"
GPfit         "GPfit"         "1.0-8"
graphics      "graphics"      "4.4.2"
grDevices     "grDevices"     "4.4.2"
grid          "grid"          "4.4.2"
gtable        "gtable"        "0.3.6"
hardhat       "hardhat"       "1.4.0"
haven         "haven"         "2.5.4"
hexbin        "hexbin"        "1.28.5"
highr         "highr"         "0.11"
hms           "hms"           "1.1.3"
htmltools     "htmltools"     ""
htmlwidgets   "htmlwidgets"   "1.6.4"
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ids           "ids"           "1.0.1"
infer         "infer"         "1.0.7"
ini           "ini"           "0.3.1"
ipred         "ipred"         "0.9-15"
IRdisplay     "IRdisplay"     "1.1"
IRkernel      "IRkernel"      "1.3.2"
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iterators     "iterators"     "1.0.14"
jquerylib     "jquerylib"     "0.1.4"
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KernSmooth    "KernSmooth"    "2.23-26"
knitr         "knitr"         "1.49"
labeling      "labeling"      "0.4.3"
later         "later"         "1.4.1"
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lava          "lava"          "1.8.1"
lhs           "lhs"           "1.2.0"
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listenv       "listenv"       "0.9.1"
lmtest        "lmtest"        "0.9-40"
lubridate     "lubridate"     "1.9.4"
magrittr      "magrittr"      "2.0.3"
MASS          "MASS"          "7.3-64"
Matrix        "Matrix"        "1.7-2"
memoise       "memoise"       "2.0.1"
methods       "methods"       "4.4.2"
mgcv          "mgcv"          "1.9-1"
mime          "mime"          "0.12"
miniUI        "miniUI"        ""
modeldata     "modeldata"     "1.4.0"
modelenv      "modelenv"      "0.2.0"
ModelMetrics  "ModelMetrics"  ""
modelr        "modelr"        "0.1.11"
munsell       "munsell"       "0.5.1"
nlme          "nlme"          "3.1-167"
nnet          "nnet"          "7.3-20"
numDeriv      "numDeriv"      "2016.8-1.1"
nycflights13  "nycflights13"  "1.0.2"
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pROC          "pROC"          "1.18.5"
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purrr         "purrr"         "1.0.2"
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quantmod      "quantmod"      "0.4.26"
R6            "R6"            "2.5.1"
ragg          "ragg"          "1.3.3"
randomForest  "randomForest"  "4.7-1.2"
rappdirs      "rappdirs"      "0.3.3"
rcmdcheck     "rcmdcheck"     "1.4.0"
RColorBrewer  "RColorBrewer"  "1.1-3"
Rcpp          "Rcpp"          "1.0.14"
RcppArmadillo "RcppArmadillo" "14.2.2-1"
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