A Yahoo Fantasy sports bot for Discord.
$ping - Gives the latency of harambot
$RIP - Pay respects
$standings - Returns the current standings of the current league
$roster "Team name" - Returns the roster of the given team
$stats "Player Name" - Returns the details of the given player
$trade - Create poll for latest trade for league approval
$matchups - Returns the current weeks matchups
In order to properly configure your bot you will need the following:
- Discord API Token
- Yahoo API Client Id & Secret
- Yahoo League ID
- Navigate to https://discord.com/developers/applications and click the "New Application" button
- Give your bot a name
- Navigate to the bot section of your application and click the "Add Bot" button
- Click the "Copy" button under token to copy your bots API token to your clipboard
- Navigate to https://developer.yahoo.com/apps/ and click the "Create an App" button
- Fill out the form as shown below, you can provide your own values for Application Name, Description, and Homepage URL. Once complete click the "Create App" button
- Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values
You can find your league's ID under the settings page of your league
Harambot now supports heroku deployments!
Click the button at the top and fill out the form with your discord token and yahoo api client key and and secret.
Once the deployment is complete enable the dyno
Clone this repository
git clone [email protected]:DMcP89/harambot.git cd harambot
Run the bot.
make run
make build-image make run-docker
- Generate a OAuth url from the discord developer portal using the bot scope and the following permissions:
- Send Messages
- Send Messages in Threads
- Embed Links
- Attach Files
- Read Message History
- Add Reactions
- Use Slash Commands
The permission value should be 277025507392
- Set the gateway intents
In order for the bot to work properly it requires the following intents:
- Sever Members Intent
- Message Content Intent
- Navigate to the generated url in a web browser and authorize the bot for your guild
- When the bot joins your guild for the first time it will DM you to complete the guild setup
- You can reconfigure your guild by running the configure slash command from your guild