Modern, optimised, minimal front end boilerplate; installed and kept up to date via PNPM.
Will play nice(st) with the latest versions of modern browsers:-
- Edge
- Firefox
- Chromium
- Safari
- git clone
- cd front-end-boilerplate
- pnpm install
- gulp
- Start building!
- Vanilla JS, no frameworks here!
- Javascript scripts process (uglify, compression, concat)
- Webpack via Gulp watch task runner for modular imports
- Native deferred loading of JS
- Vanilla CSS, no frameworks here!
- PostCSS, featuring @import plugin for your native styling needs
- PurgeCSS to rid of bloat and unused styles
- Critical for inlining of critical styles and deferred loading of non-critical styles
- Handlebars HTML templating process (featuring partials)
- Imagemin IMG process (image optimisation and SVG minification)
- WebP conversion for imagery (optimised file size output)
- SVG icon sprite (generated inline from SVG assets)
- Sitemap.xml auto generated (using file creation/update date and time)
- BrowserSync process (auto reload on file save/update)