Environmental Sound Recorder for Teensy 3.6. It builds on the BasicAudioLogger, but will be developed into a tool suited for environmental sound monitoring and bio-acoustic research.
More information can be found in the build-in Wiki
The microSoundRecorder_dev branch contains code the is work in progress (marked below with (dev))
- ADC, ADC_Stereo
- I2S, I2S_32, I2S_QUAD, I2S_32_MONO
- I2S_TYMPAN (dev)
- I2S_TDM (dev)
The I2S_32 mode allows acquisition of two 24 bit MEMS microphones
The I2S_32_MONO mode allows acquisition of one 24 bit MEMS microphone, reducing also used disk space
The I2S_TYMPAN mode allows the high quality TYMPAN audio board https://tympan.org/ to be used as audio recorder
The I2S_TDM mode allows multiple digital(e.g. ICS-52000 ) microphones be used in TDM mode
- variable sampling frequency
- scheduled acquisition
- audio-triggered archiving
- single file / event archiving
- variable pre-trigger
- startup menu on demand
- logging of environmental data (temperature, pressure, humidity, lux)
- SdFat-beta (Bill Greiman's uSD filing system: https://github.com/greiman/SdFat-beta)
- The file SdFat.h in src directory must me renamed to SdFat_beta.h
- The File SdFatConfig.h must be edited to reflect user needs
- BME280 (temperature,pressure, humidity sensor: https://github.com/bolderflight/BME280)
- BH1750 (light sensor: https://github.com/claws/BH1750)
this code is assumed to be developed further, please check regularily applied changes
this directory contains examples recorded during testing and in the field
this directory contains useful data sheets
- data offload option