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A data migration tool similar to tools available in rails


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Humpback is a database migration tool

Inspired by Rails tooling and another project called Manatee
(i totally took the Manatee idea and built the tools i would want, in order to use the concept outside of web matrix)

The database migrations are similar to rails, they are stored as json.

Your interface is the command line.

##Available via NuGet as a package manager console tool From Visual Studio package manager console

Install-Package Humpback

or from the nuget.exe command line application.

> nuget.exe install Humpback

Humpback does 4 Main things

The analagous features are like so

Humpback > Generate ~ rails generate migration
Humpback > List     ~ Manatee page and color coding
Humpback > Sql      ~ view/export sql files from migrations for safe keeping or direct usage
Humpback > Migrate  ~ rake db:migrate

Using Humpback

Main commands

env      -e | Configure the migration environment (working directory, connection string)
generate -g | Generate JSON migration files  
list     -l | List Migrations and current migration state  
file     -f | Edit the file of the specified migration in the default text editor
migrate  -m | Run Migrations against database  
sql      -s | Generate SQL files from migration files  

For information about a specific command use the following

hump -? env
hump -? generate  
hump -? migrate  
hump -? list   
hump -? file  
hump -? sql  

The json syntax is explained very well by Rob at
and also HERE This should consume the files specified for manatee.

Generate Migrations

Generating migrations was modeled after the conventions in rails.
like addXXXtoXXX and removeXXXfromXXX

the migration types that can be generated are:

  • create_table
  • drop_table
  • add_column
  • remove_column
  • add_index
  • remove_index
  • sql
  • file (execute an external sql file, i.e. a long stored procedure)

if you do not specify a primary key, one will be appointed for you.
timestamps will be added automatically

if you add a column that is the name of another table, and specify the type as 'reference' (works for create table too)

> hump -g AddUserToPost User:reference

would generate this as the up operation

'add_column':{'table':'Post', 'columns':[{'name':'User','type':'reference'}]}

and the sql that will be generated...

> hump -s 4 -screen ( this was my migration number 4.  see hump -? list )


ALTER TABLE [Post] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_post_user_userid] FOREIGN KEY (UserId)

see for examples and details of the migration format

just like rails, sequential filenames will be generated for you (UTC timestamp)

create_table ( tablename column_name:column_type column_name:column_type )
> hump -g Person FirstName:string LastName:string Birthdate:datetime FavoriteNumber:int

drop_table ( DropTableName )
> hump -g DropPerson

add_column ( AddColumnNameToTableName column_name:column_type column_name:column_type )
> hump -g AddFavoriteThingsToPerson FavoriteColor:string FavoriteAnimal:string

change_column ( ChangeTableName column_name:column_type column_name:column_type )
> hump -g ChangePerson FavoriteNumber:long

remove_column ( RemoveColumnNameFromTableName )
only removes one column currently > hump -g RemoveBirthdayFromPerson

add_index ( AddIndexToTableName column_name column_name)
> hump -g AddIndexToPerson FirstName LastName

remove_index ( RemoveIndexFromTableName column_name column_name)
column names are required to be able to generate the index name
> hump -g RemoveIndexFromPerson FirstName LastName

sql ( sql SqlString )
> hump -g sql "CREATE VIEW PersonView AS SELECT FirstName,LastName from Person"

file ( file SqlFileName )
the sql file will be generated for you
> hump -g file MyBigCreateStoredProcedureFile

List Migrations and Details

2 commands available for listing migrations

> hump -list    | List all migrations and their deploy status
> hump -list 6  | List single migration by number

the -list shows your migrations and their status' like this

6 Migrations              \o/ means it is currently deployed
\o/   1 20110501025407_AddTable_tname.js
\o/   2 20110502062537_AddColumn_tname_name.js
\o/   3 20110502064908_SQLFile_This_Is_A_Test.js
\o/   4 20110502165734_AddTable_Products.js
      5 20110502231012_AddTable_Customers.js
      6 20110502231111_AddColumn_Customers_buddyname.js

like in the second example, if you specify a number
it will print the migration json to the console.

Executing Migrations

can you say rake db:migrate
Executes Migrations against the database.
Available actions:

> hump -m -all    | updates database to most recent migration
> hump -m 12      | updates database to a specific migration (up or down)
> hump -m -up     | migrates database up one migration
> hump -m -down   | migrates database down one migration
> hump -m -empty  | removes all migrations from database
> hump -m -reset  | removes and re-adds all migrations (-empty, then -all)

Generating SQL Files

Generates Sql files based on migrations.
This can be valuable for a number of strategies.
Available actions:

> hump -s -all      | writes all migrations into sql file(s)
> hump -s 12        | writes 1 specified migration into a sql file
> hump -s -dp       | writes all deployed migraions into sql file(s)
> hump -s -ndp      | writes all undeployed migrations into sql file(s)
          -single   | specifies to write all sql to one file
                    | default is seperate files per migration
          -screen   | writes the sql to the screen for viewing
                    | does NOT write file when screen is specified

Managing environment settings

Environment settings are stored in a json format in a file called settings.js

On the first run of the application, the file will be created if it does not exist.

You may prefer to configure settings from the command line.

Available actions:

> hump -e           | lists environment information
> hump -e -set x    | sets the current project to x if x is a valid project
> hump -e -add x    | creates a new project called x and sets it to the current project
> hump -e -remove x | removes the project named x
> hump -e -rename x | renames the current project to x
> hump -e -dir x    | sets the working directory of the current project to x
> hump -e -cs x     | sets the connection string of the current project to x
> hump -e -flavor x | sets the sql flavor of the current project to x (currently, only sqlserver available)


A data migration tool similar to tools available in rails







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