ng-structural-directive Public
Angular structural directives -- *customDirective
teamcity-setup Public
A simple teamcity setup with 1 agent to run locally using docker
MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2023 -
ng-module-federation Public
A sample app to try out module federation for an angular
ng-directives Public
Using directives to share state and add default html attributes
github-profiles Public
A simple search for finding Github Users and Repositories
github-oAuth Public
Simple Github OAuth Web flow
angular-six-webpack Public
Angular project with webpack configuration. No angular-cli
webpack-dll Public
A boilerplate configuration of webpack DLL plugin with react, react-dom and redux as vendor libraries
quintype-coding-problems Public
Forked from quintype/quintype-coding-problems -
react-boilerplate Public
Boilerplate reactjs project with minimal settings using webpack 4.6
angular-intercom Public
A service that aids, inter- *component | service* communication in angular 4 using publish/subscribe or observer pattern
js-boilerplate Public
A simple boilerplate setup for JS project
js-webpack-plugin-setup Public
Initial loader and plugin set up for webpack
angular-tour-of-heroes Public
Source code for Tour of Heroes tutorial exercise
test-prep-spa Public
A sample single page angular application that allows a user to register/login and see a list of questions stored as json data
react-form Public
A reusable html form component built using ReactJS
activation-mail Public
Simple api based service to send verification email and confirm a new account
highrise-activity-mailer Public
Utility to get highrise user activity/recording as an email
hello-world-local Public
This repository was created locally and publiched to Github
1 UpdatedJul 21, 2016 -
flex-autocomplete Public
Forked from hillelcoren/flex-autocompleteAdvanced Flex AutoComplete component which supports browsing, selecting and ordering multiple items.