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A cross-platform debugging UI for `parsley-debug`, which runs outside of Scala.


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What is Dill?

Dill (Debugging Interactively in the Parsley Library) is a cross-platform, visual, interactive debugger to be used with the parser combinator library for Scala, Parsley.

How do I install it?

Dill is distributed as a binary executable and can be installed below according to your machine's operating system from the releases page. To build the Dill debugger on your own machine, go to building.


You will first need to install / build the Dill debugging application onto your machine. Then once the application has started, you are ready to start sending it debug information from within Parsley:

  • First, ensure that your project has the remote-view project as a dependency (you will of course need to have the Parsley library as a dependency too).
  • Import the DillRemoteView object from parsley.debug.
  • Then on the parser which you would like to debug, attach the DillRemoteView object, before the parse step. the following scala script uses Parsley 5.0.0-M12

//> using repository sonatype-s01:snapshots

//> using dep com.github.j-mie6::parsley:5.0.0-M12
//> using dep com.github.j-mie6::parsley-debug:5.0.0-M12 
//> using dep com.github.j-mie6::parsley-debug-remote::0.1-ac6943f-SNAPSHOT
//> using options -experimental

import parsley.quick.*
import parsley.syntax.character.{charLift, stringLift}
import parsley.debug.combinator.*
import parsley.debug.DillRemoteView
import scala.annotation.experimental

/* Annotations to assign parser names to combinators */ 
@experimental @parsley.debuggable 
object Parser {
    val hello: Parsley[Unit] = whitespaces ~> ('h' ~> ("ello" | "i")).void <~ whitespaces
    val subject: Parsley[Unit] = whitespaces ~> ("world" | "jamie").void <~ whitespaces
    val greeting: Parsley[Unit] = (hello ~> subject ~> "!" ~> eof)

Parser.greeting.attach(DillRemoteView).parse("hello jamie!")

To run this snippet, simply run scala

You will then be able to view a representation of the abstract syntax tree generated by Parsley:

Debugging "hello jamie!"


The frontend of the application is written using ScalaJS and Laminar, and uses the sbt build system, the frontend compiles down to a single JavaScript file located in ./static. The backend uses the Tauri package to host the frontend, and the Rocket package to host a server to receive the tree from Parsley. We use npm to manage the various packages.

To run the project, execute sbt run:

This will install the node packages required to build the project, build the front and backend, and then start the generated executable.

To run the project in development mode, execute:

  • sbt ~buildFrontend to start the sbt frontend development server.
  • sbt runBackend in a different terminal to start the Tauri app.

This will cause a quick-reload when any of the source files are modified.

Bug Reports

If you encounter a bug when using Dill, please try to make a self contained example: this will help to identify the issue. Then, create a new issue - if possible, please include screenshots and a description of the bug.

How does it work?

  • The remote-view backend for parsley-debug posts the debug tree from the parser to the Rocket HTTP server running within the Dill debugger.
  • The Rocket server transforms and passes off a representation of the debug tree to the Tauri application in Rust.
  • The frontend then queries the Tauri application for the debug tree.
  • Upon receiving of the tree, the frontend renders the tree on the screen.