Creates BePress XML from the pdf files of retrospective theses.
Clone the repository and create a virtual environment.
C:\Users\you_dir> git clone
C:\Users\you_dir> cd rtd
C:\Users\you_dir\rtd> python -m venv "rtd_env"
C:\Users\you_dir\rtd> rtd_env\Scripts\activate
C:\Users\you_dir\rtd> pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Saxon HE for .Net if it isn't already installed.
Install bsddb3. You will need to
select the appropriate version. If you are using an Iowa State provided Windows computer,
should be the correct version.
Next, confirm that the paths in and are both correct.
list of variables
Variable Name | Description |
pdf_reader | Path to Adobe or similar reader |
pdf_path | Path to retrospective theses |
authority_path | Path to authority files |
marc_record | Path to marc record |
authority_turtle | Related to authority_path |
merge | Path to the merge.xsl file |
Finally, run the file.
Those working with Non-ISU theses will need to replace kt_thesis.mrc with the appropriate marc record. All of the authorities files will also need modification to reflect the new institution.