A library to manage the registration and maintenance of DOIs at the Iowa State University Library.
Requires Python version 3.7 or higher.
To get started, download doiowa, create a virtual environment for it, and install external requirements.
Download or clone the repository and create a virtual environment.
If you download doiowa, extract the zip file and go to the doiowa directory via the Command Prompt.
To clone the repository using git, run the following commands in the Command Prompt.
C:\your\dir> git clone https://github.com/isu-meta/doiowa.git
C:\your\dir\> cd doiowa
To finish setting up doiowa, run the following commands in the Command Prompt.
C:\your\dir\doiowa> python -m venv "doi_env"
C:\your\dir\doiowa> doi_env\Scripts\activate
C:\your\dir\doiowa> pip install -r requirements.txt
To register one or more DOIs, use the register
command followed by the
XML file containing the DOIs and associated metadata, your Crossref username
and password:
C:\your\dir\doiowa> python doiowa.py register new_dois.xml username password
To check on the status of a submission, use the check
command followed
by either the XML file submitted or the DOI batch ID of the submission and
your Crossref username and password:
C:\your\dir\doiowa> python doiowa.py check new_dois.xml username password
C:\your\dir\doiowa> python doiowa.py check new-dois-0001 username password
Documentation of the doiowa library, its modules, objects, and functions is available as HTML in the doc directory. Explore the documentation online.