################## Scripts should deliver a possibility to integrate Portspoof --> https://github.com/drk1wi/portspoof into IPFire --> https://github.com/ipfire environment. The scripts needs a working IPFire environment but also an compiled Portspoof binary including an configuration directory under /etc/portspoof.
The repo contains currently:
An installerscript for IPFire platforms which provides
- Portspoof installation on IPFire platforms.
- Portspoof uninstallation on IPFire platforms.
- progress overview for firewall, lsof, ps and init status.
- different installerscripts (A and B)
An initscript ( portspoof_init.sh ) which provides
- automatic external interface detection for ppp0 or red0 (IPFire specific terms).
- automatic port detection of IPTables *INPUT and *NAT chains.
- automatic integration of the firewall rules investigated by port detection.
- start|stop|restart|status sequences.
- Check for system crash if there are IPTable entries leftover in firewall.local. If so, it will clean it up.
portspoof_init.sh is located under /etc/rc.d/init.d/
- An script ( checkFWchange.sh ) which checks
- in intervals for changes in the IPTable chains.
- if changes appears, it will restart the initscript which starts again to exlude the port ranges in the firewall.local so no user interaction should be needed.
- initscript will be identified via line count cause both needs another.
checkFWchange.sh is located under /etc/fcron.minutely