Apples or Oranges? Identification of fundamental load shape profiles for benchmarking buildings using a large and diverse dataset
Project Collaborators:
Intelligent Environments Laboratory, UT Austin, (
Building and Urban Data Science Lab, NUS Singapore, (
A project focused on extracting the right topology of building utilization from raw whole building sensor data
- June Young Park, Xiya Yang, Clayton Miller, Pandarasamy Arjunan, Zoltan Nagy, Apples or oranges? Identification of fundamental load shape profiles for benchmarking buildings using a large and diverse dataset, Applied Energy, Volume 236, Febuary 2019, Pages 1280-1295,
With multiple data sources (i.e., UTEXAS, MIT, PECAN, IRELAND, GENOME, ...), we choose .hdf5 data format to deal with a large size dataset. All the raw datasets are uploaded externally due to the limitation of uploading size. The data is transformed as .hdf5 file format. After running two ipython notebook below, we would get a complete hdf5 file for the whole dataset with complete metadata.
Data Collection: Read temporal dataset and metadata (i.e., Industry, Sub-industry, Primary usage type, Region, Area) to generate .hdf5 file.
Consolidate Meta Data: Adding and consolidate meta data in the hdf5 data store
Addition of Washington Dataset: Adding the DC dataset and related meta data
Profile Generation: Generate building daily energy profiles with attached meta data from the hdf5 data store
- Clustering: Generate building clusters based on daily energy profiles using K-Means, Bisecting K-Means and Gaussian Mixture Model
- Clustering Validation Metrics: Calculate validation metrics for the clustering results for different choice of k and different algorithms
- Heatmap: Generate building heatmaps displaying the cluster proportions and building meta data information grouped by dominant clusters
- Dominant Cluster Bar Chart: Generate bar charts that show the composition of buildings in each dominant cluster broken down by meta data fields
- Tufte Table: Display the fundamental load shape profiles for each cluster in an aggregated Tufte-style table as k and clustering algorithm vary
- Benchmarking Plots: Apply the clustering results to compare against the traditional way of building benchmarking
This notebook generates a combined profiles dataframe from the hdf5 data store.
By default, the path to the hdf5 data store is set to be meta/meta.hdf5
. You can change or rename the path by editing the first cell under A. Read HDF5 Data
The following steps are performed
- Extract numerical and meta data from hdf5
- Convert time zones from UTC to local time zones for the genome dataset
- Iterate over the data to build the profiles, keeping only complete profiles
- Normalize the profiles by standardizing the profiles on a per-profile basis
- Convert Sqft to Sqm
- Calculate EUI by using the latest 365 days of data, or extrapolate if the available number of days is less than 365
- Create date flags (weekday, weekend or holiday). Holidays are determined based on the region of the building. If a holiday falls on a weekend, the date flag is recorded as
- Get the day of year column based on the number of days from Jan 1 of that year for each profile
- Convert rare industries and PSUs to
based on a predefined list
This notebook is responsible for running the clustering models and saving the basic plots generated.
The following preliminary steps are performed
- Read profiles generated from the Profile Generation notebook
- Classify the profiles into combined_profiles, residential_profiles and non_residential_profiles
- Read the various plot saving functions to be used in each of the clustering steps below
The ClusteringBaseModel is a class that wraps around the Scikit Learn models and additional implementation to enforce code modularity, maintainability and reusability.
Initialization Arguments
specifies the parameters to be used for different iterations. In most cases, this would be the values of K to be used.profiles
determines the profiles to be used (combined, residential or non-residential as of now).cluster_algo
is a string used to differentiate the results generated when saving the plot.save_dir
determines the directory to be saved.labels_dir
determines where the clustering results (labels) are saved. We save the labels, so for later analyses we do not repeat the clustering process multiple times.
, DBSCANClustering
, HierarchicalClustering
, GMMClustering
and BisectingKMeansClustering
inherit the base model with additional implementation details. However, we are only using KmeansClustering
, BisectingKMeansClustering
and GMMClustering
due to the long running time issues encountered for the other two.
Steps for Each Iteration
- Model checks if the labels have already been generated. If not, run the model and save the labels. Otherwise, read the clustering results from the
specified - Calculate entropies based on the clustering results and append to the profiles
- Save the various plots based on the implemented plot save functions
Heatmap generates a heatmap that describes the profile composition of the buildings categorized according to the dominant clusters. The meta data for each building is also appended for visual comparison of the clustering-based benchmarking strategy against the traditional meta-data-based benchmarking strategy.
The following meta data fields are included:
- Industry
- Climatezone
- Sqm
It is also possible to sort the buildings within each dominant cluster by the next non-dominant cluster.
Implementation Details
is the master function that implements the heatmap plotting process. It mainly makes use of the two functions create_heatmap_df_mix
and generate_heatmap2
to generate the heatmap matrix populated with color values to be plotted using Matplotlib. The steps are outlined below:
- Read profiles data and extract buildings information from the profiles
- Based on clustering results, extract proportions of each cluster for the buildings and append as additional columns
- Sort the buildings sequentially based on dominant cluster index
- Specify widths and heights of plot
- Specify color schemes to be used for specific meta data fields
- For buildings in a specific dominant cluster, reorder the proportions columns and corresponding colors to display the dominant cluster on the extreme left
- Convert proportions to cumulative values in order to access the index of the corresponding columns easily when building the heatmap matrix
- Build the heatmap matrix based on the various specifications
- Save the plotted figure to the specified save directory
Tufte Table
builds a table of clustering results based on the principles for tufte plots. It hides the horizontal and vertical axes for each plot and shows the relative size of the clusters by the thickness of the average profile shapes.
Detailed Steps
- Separate profiles into residential and non-residential profiles
- For each subplot, determine the algorithm and k and retrieve the labels stored in
- Calculate thicknesses for the plots based on the retrieved results
- Reorder the clusters and thicknesses based on proximity between the average profiles
- Plot the results in a table
Reordering Specifics
Because each time, the labels generated by any clustering algorithm are random (cluster labelled as 0 could turn out to be 1 or 2 in a different iteration of the algorithm), we reorder the generated clusters, so clusters that are meant to be identical or related share the same color and thickness.
For vertical reordering across different values of k, the results from Bisecting K-Means is used. Specifically:
- For two consecutive k (e.g. 4 and 5), find the tolerance level (Euclidean distance between average profiles) that differentiate the new clusters that are broken down
- Find the tolerance level that extracts one row that was broken down from before
- Replace the row to be deleted with the first row to be added and add the second row to the tail
- Modify thicknesses data accordingly
For horizontal reordering across clustering results for different algorithms with the same value of k, the following steps are performed:
- Use the results from Bisecting K-Means as a benchmark
- For average profile shape of the first cluster discovered for Bisecting K-Means, find the cluster in the current algorithm (e.g. K-Means or GMM) that produces an average profile shape which is closest in Euclidean distance to the Bisecting K-Means average profile shape
- Append the average profile to a new list and append the corresponding thicknesses data to a new list
- Delete this average profile from the previous list for the current algorithm and k value
- Repeat this for all clusters and construct a reordered average profile shape list and a reordered thicknesses data list
- Repeat this for every algorithm different than Bisecting K-Means and every k
- Now we have matched the order of the average profiles between Bisecting K-Means and any other algorithm used based on close the average profiles are in terms of Euclidean distance
The vertical and horizontal matching algorithms ensure that the average profiles across different subplots that are close in distance would share the same color.
Thicknesses Calculation
The thicknesses of the average profiles plotted represent the number of profiles in the respective cluster. However, thicknesses calculation is not strictly proportional to the absolute value of the number of profiles. This is because in some cases, the thicknesses of the profile shapes may be too thin or too chick to be seen on the plot.
def get_thickness(val, all_vals):
std_val = np.std(all_vals)
if std_val == 0:
return 2.5
mean_val = np.mean(all_vals)
dev_val = (val-mean_val) / std_val
dev_val = max(-1.5, min(dev_val, 5.5))
return 2.5 + dev_val
From the code above, it can be seen that the number of profiles for each cluster across the different clusters is standardized and centered around 2.5. The values that fall below 1.0 and the values that go above 8.0 are then clipped to the minimum 1.0 and maximum 8.0 respectively. These values are used as the line widths while plotting the average profile shapes. Therefore, the thicknesses are used as an indicative value but do not represent the absolute value.
Also, the y range of each individual subplot is determined by the minimum and maximum value of all the average profile shapes for all subplots as can be seen below:
# Get ylim by finding the maximum value and minimum value for all the tufte data
# execute in final plotting procedure
def get_min_max(save_dir):
max_val, min_val = 0, 0
for i in range(1, 3*9+1):
max_val = max(max_val, np.load('%s/order_%d.npy' % (save_dir, i)).max())
min_val = min(min_val, np.load('%s/order_%d.npy' % (save_dir, i)).min())
return (min_val, max_val)
Since the data we have do not contain actual cluster labels (namely, they do not exist), we can only use unsupervised clustering validation metrics. Moreover, due to the time complexity of some popular clustering validation metrics like Silhouette Score and Dunn's Index which require the calculation of pairwise distances between data points, these metrics are left out of the current analysis.
The Clustering Validation Metrics
notebook implements the following internal cluster validation metrics:
- cohesion
- separation
- calinski_harabaz_score
- DB: Davies-Bouldin index
- RS: R-squared
- RMSSTD: Root-mean-square std dev
- XB: Xie-Beni index
The implementation is based on the mathematical definitions of the indices listed in this paper:
I have also created two test cases with manually calculated metrics to check the correctness of implementation.
Detailed Calculations
def cohesion(data, labels):
clusters = sorted(set(labels))
sse = 0
for cluster in clusters:
cluster_data = data[labels == cluster, :]
centroid = cluster_data.mean(axis = 0)
sse += ((cluster_data - centroid)**2).sum()
return sse
Cohesion calculates the sum of squared distances from each data point to its respective centroid.
def separation(data, labels, cohesion_score):
# calculate separation as SST - SSE
return cohesion(data, np.zeros(data.shape[0])) - cohesion_score
Separation calculation leverages the fact that the following equation always holds true: TSS = WSS + BSS
where TSS is the total sum of squared distances from each data point to the overall centroid. WSS is cohesion and BSS is separation.
is calculated using Scikit Learn's implementation.
The Calinski-Harabasz index (CH) evaluates the cluster validity based on the average between- and within- cluster sum of squares. It is a ratio of cohesion and separation adjusted by the respective degrees of freedom.
Higher values of CH index indicate better clustering performance.
Davies-Bouldin index
def DB_find_max_j(clusters, centroids, i):
max_val = 0
max_j = 0
for j in range(len(clusters)):
if j == i:
cluster_i_stat = within_cluster_dist_sum(clusters[i], centroids[i], i) / clusters[i].shape[0]
cluster_j_stat = within_cluster_dist_sum(clusters[j], centroids[j], j) / clusters[j].shape[0]
val = (cluster_i_stat + cluster_j_stat) / (((centroids[i] - centroids[j]) ** 2).sum() ** .5)
if val > max_val:
max_val = val
max_j = j
return max_val
def DB(data, clusters, centroids):
result = 0
for i in range(len(clusters)):
result += DB_find_max_j(clusters, centroids, i)
return result / len(clusters)
Davies-Bouldin index
iterates every cluster and calculates a statistic using DB_find_max_j
. Then, it averages the statistic over all clusters.
The statistic is calculated as follows:
- For every other cluster, calculate the average distance of every point in that cluster to its centroid
- Also calculate the average distance of every point in the current cluster to the centroid
- Add the two values together
- Divide the sum by the Euclidean distance between the two cluster centroids and obtain a candidate value
- Find the maximum value among all the candidate values for every other cluster to be the statistic
The smaller the index is, the better the clustering result is. By minimizing this index, clusters are the most distinct from each other, and therefore achieves the best partition.
def RS(data, clusters, centroids):
sst = SST(data)
sse = SSE(clusters, centroids)
return (sst - sse) / sst
can be expressed in terms of separation
and cohesion
as follows: R-squared = separation / (cohesion + separation)
Root-mean-square std dev
def RMSSTD(data, clusters, centroids):
df = data.shape[0] - len(clusters)
attribute_num = data.shape[1]
return (SSE(clusters, centroids) / (attribute_num * df)) ** .5
first computes the the sum of squared distances from each data point to its respective centroid, which is SSE
or cohesion
. Then, it divides the value by the product of the number of attributes and the degree of freedom, which is calculated as the number of data points minus the number of clusters. Lastly, the we take the square root of the value to obtain RMSSTD
Xie-Beni index
def XB(data, clusters, centroids):
sse = SSE(clusters, centroids)
min_dist = ((centroids[0] - centroids[1]) ** 2).sum()
for centroid_i, centroid_j in list(product(centroids, centroids)):
if (centroid_i - centroid_j).sum() == 0:
dist = ((centroid_i - centroid_j) ** 2).sum()
if dist < min_dist:
min_dist = dist
return sse / (data.shape[0] * min_dist)
Xie-Beni index
first calculates SSE
or cohesion
by taking the sum of the squared distances from each data point to its respective centroid. We denote this by A. Then, it finds the minimum pairwise squared distances between cluster centroids. We denote this by B. We denote the number of data points as n. Xie-Beni index
is calculated as A / (n*B)
The Xie-Beni index
defines the inter-cluster separation as the minimum square distance between cluster centers, and the intra-cluster compactness as the mean square distance between each data object and its cluster center. The optimal cluster number is reached when the minimum of Xie-Beni index
is found.