Install dependences
sudo apt-get install python-qt4
sudo apt-get install python-notify2
sudo apt-get install python-qt4-dbus-dbg
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
sudo apt-get install zip
sudo apt-get install libgnome2-bin
sudo apt-get install libwmf-bin
Need LibreOffice (default)
use SVN!
go to /home/YOURPROFILENAME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
svn checkout [email protected]
- Set permissions for your user like this
- Create folders tmp tmp_send and attacheds
sudo chmod 777 /home/YOURPROFILENAME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/
copy file turbonote.desktop to dir /usr/share/applications and Set permissions too this file
Configure file turbonote-adds/ (only if you use white themes) check variable icon color use _b to white themes and others settings
Check permissions in gnome extensions folder
- Enjoy! enable in Tweak Tool
- Start the server
IF not show icon on tray or up server check all confs links are corrects!
if you use fedora You need install EOG package for show images In fedora check change eth0 for em1
sudo apt-get install eog-plugins
You need have a last version libre office the app use office-converter in image files
For update use menu svn updates!
OK = Implemented
1/2 = 50% Implemented
- [OK] Send Note
- [OK] Receive Note
- [OK] Contact List and Manager
- [OK] History List[Receive] and Manager
- [OK] History List[Send] and Manager
- [OK] List all Attacheds
- [OK] Note Options (Stay on top and Title)
- [NO] Note Style Confs (All colors)
- [OK] Receive Images
- [OK] Receive Attacheds
- [OK] Send and responde notes with the Width and Heigth equals a window size
- [1/2] Send Images (Only to linux2linux working at now)
For send images (only linux to linux) use the icon take a picture and save in dir TMP_SEND the app get image in this dir and send with the message. For windows you need take a picture and save anywhere use attached button chouse a picture and attach it.
- [OK] Send Attacheds
- [1/2] ShortCut Commands
- [OK] Re-Send Note
Developer mail: [email protected]
In the box press CTRL + ENTER to show contact list, double click for send or CTRL + ENTER for send, you can select multiple contacts and using the button send for send to multiples contacts.
You can reply message to the contact who sent only CTRL+R in the box.
You can manage your contacts, for add you need only the enter host name and press ENTER or click ADD button and the app will check if name existe in network.
You can manager messages in history[R], you can sent again message in history[S] double click in message for sent. You can manager your images and attacheds