🌐 Language: English | Português
draw.io is a free and open source cross-platform graph drawing software developed in HTML5 and JavaScript. Its interface can be used to create diagrams such as flowcharts, wireframes, UML diagrams, organizational charts and network diagrams.
Using the provided library you can draw Huawei Cloud system architectures.
There are two library groups: color and line. The color group contains the icons you see in the Console and in the product pages. The line group contains the old icons (black and white) which are no longer being maintained, but the service names will be updated in a best-effort basis.
Download the latest release available:
- Click on the available version at Releases section on the right side of this page;
- Click on Source code (zip) link under Assets to download the zip file;
Remove old libraries (if you installed them previously):
- Open draw.io and click on "Close" (X) button beside each library name;
- Locate the library files (arquivos XML) in your computer and delete them;
Decompress the zip file you downloaded at step 1 in a folder of your choice (e.g. "D:\drawio_libs");
Install libraries on draw.io:
- Open draw.io, click on "File" > "Open Library..." menu;
- Select a XML file from color or line folder;
- draw.io does not allow to select more than one file at once, so you need to repeat the process for each XML file inside each color and line folder.