DockerCompose file with single node zookeeper and kafka ( and not only.
Before running the docker-compose up -d, one should create kafka_net
the corresponding network
docker network create kafka_net --subnet=
docker exec singlenodekafkazk_kafka_1 kafka-topics --create --zookeeper singlenodekafkazk_zk1_1:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
docker exec singlenodekafkazk_kafka_1 kafka-topics --describe --topic test --zookeeper singlenodekafkazk_zk1_1:2181
This command assumes that kafka is running as a docker container and it's name is singlenodekafkazk_kafka_1, name of the zookeeper container is singlenodekafkazk_zk1_1, the topic name is test
docker exec singlenodekafkazk_kafka_1 kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper singlenodekafkazk_zk1_1:2181 --topic test