In this assignment, I created a physical control interface and used it to control various elements in the scene. The project includes at least three different interactable controls and three items that change based on these interactions.
Creating physical, 3D interfaces enhances user engagement and immersion in virtual worlds. This project demonstrates how physical controls can be implemented and used to interact with a scene in Unity. The controls were created following video screencasts provided in the course, and include custom scripts to handle their functionality.
Description: A physical teapot that can be lifted and tilted and thrown on the ground.
How to Interact:
- Grab the teapot using the grip button on the VR controller.
- Lift and tilt the teapot.
- Throw on the ground.
Expected Output:
- Interaction with the teapot.
- Hand disappears when teapot is picked up.
Description: A physical slider that moves with the hand on the VR controller.
How to Interact:
- Grab the slider using the grip button on the VR controller.
- Move the slider left and right.
Expected Output:
- Changes color when grabbed.
- Hand disappears with interaction.
Description: A physical lever that can be pulled in two directions.
How to Interact:
- Grab the lever using the grip button on the VR controller.
Expected Output:
- Pull the lever in two directions.
- Changes color when grabbed.
Description: A physical dial that can be rotated.
How to Interact:
- Grab the dial using the grip button on thr VR controller.
Expected Output:
- Rotate the dial to change the color.
- Changes color with interaction.
Description: A physical button that changes color when interacted with.
How to Interact:
- Press the button using the trigger button on the VR controller.
Expected Output:
- The color of the button changes each time it is pressed.
Description: A physical fuse socket activates a green dim light when close to the fuse and disappears when inserted.
How to Interact:
- Grab a fuse using the grip button on the VR controller.
- Insert the fuse into the socket.
Expected Output:
- The fuse socket activates a green dim light when close to the fuse and disappears when inserted.
- Hand disappears when interacted with.
A screen recording of the project demonstrating the various controls and their interactions is included in this repository. The recording shows:
- Each of the control interfaces.
- Interaction with each control.
- The resulting outputs in the scene.