v7.2.0 - 2023-06-07
New Features
constant for cache busting.
Add course builder explainer video and lesson IDs.
Add new dashboard widget.
Added query to remove order comments on plugin uninstall when the constant LLMS_REMOVE_ALL_DATA
is set to true
. #2322
Added support for showing multiple difficulties when using Gutenberg Editor. #2433
Add shortcode wrapper blocks.
Added new navigation link block.
Added llms_is_editor_block_rendering
helper function.
Added llms_is_block_editor
helper function.
Updates and Enhancements
Adjusted llms_modify_dashboard_pagination_links_disable
filter to return false only on Dashboard page.
Updates LifterLMS REST to v1.0.0-beta.27 .
Raised the minimum support WordPress core version to 5.9.
Updates LifterLMS Blocks to 2.5.0 .
Bug Fixes
Fixed LifterLMS specific block templates not correctly working on Windows file system.
Added function_exists
check for llms_blocks_is_post_migrated()
Update so dismissed notifications don't remain on viewport top layer.
Made sure to always enqueue iziModal assets when rendering achievements cards.
Developer Notes
Added new filter hook llms_builder_settings
to filter the settings passed to the course builder.
Updated Templates
You can’t perform that action at this time.