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Version 7.1.0

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@eri-trabiccolo eri-trabiccolo released this 03 Mar 11:51
· 1669 commits to release since this release

v7.1.0 - 2023-03-02

New Features
  • Added lessons count column on the Courses post list table.
  • Added a new Dashboard page under the LifterLMS menu in the admin, whicih includes recent activity widgets and links to useful resources.
  • Added link to the course builder for each lesson on the Lessons post list table. Also added a link to either edit or add a quiz.
Updates and Enhancements
  • Updates LifterLMS Helper to v3.5.0.
  • Make the LifterLMS menu meta box initially available on Appearance -> Menus.
  • Updates LifterLMS REST to v1.0.0-beta.26.
Bug Fixes
  • Catch possible fatal when trying to display a "broken" basic notification and set its status to 'error' so that it'll be excluded from the next fetches.
  • Catch possible fatal when sending notification emails and in that case remove from the queue the item that produced it.
  • Fix cloned course retaining original course's ID in some restriction messages.
  • Fixed possible admin notices duplication when activating/deactivating or installing add-ons from the page Add-ons & more.
  • Avoided setting the llms-tracking cookie when there are no events to track.
  • Updated styles across the entire plugin.
  • Updated Add-ons & more list to hide old (uncategorized) products.
  • Deprecated methods LLMS_Admin_Notices_Core::sidebar_support() and LLMS_Admin_Notices_Core::clear_sidebar_notice().
  • Removed notice for theme sidebar support.
Developer Notes
  • The function llms_is_user_enrolled() will always return false for non existing users. While, before, it could return true if a now removed user was enrolled into a the given course or membership.
  • Added new LLMS_Course::get_lessons_count() method. It can be used in place of count( LLMS_Course::get_lessons() ) to improve performance.
  • Fixed compatibility with PHP 8.1 by using an empty string as menu parent page for the course builder submenu page in place of NULL.
  • Avoid passing null values to urlencode() and urldecode() that would produce PHP warnings on PHP 8.1+.
  • Added $autoload parameter to the function llms_get_student.
Performance Improvements
  • Improve performance when querying notifications via the LLMS_Notifications_Query and there's no need to count the total notifications found, or for pagination information.
  • Immediately return false when running llms_is_user_enrolled() on logged out or no longer existing users, avoiding running additional DB queries e.g. when displaying course or membership catalogs for visitors.
  • Skip counting the total transactions found when retrieving the last or the first transaction for an order.
Updated Templates
  • templates/admin/reporting/nav-filters.php
  • templates/admin/reporting/reporting.php
  • templates/admin/reporting/tabs/courses/course.php
  • templates/admin/reporting/tabs/memberships/membership.php
  • templates/admin/reporting/tabs/quizzes/quiz.php
  • templates/admin/reporting/tabs/students/student.php
  • templates/admin/reporting/tabs/widgets.php
  • templates/checkout/form-confirm-payment.php