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Version 6.10.0

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@thomasplevy thomasplevy released this 29 Aug 18:04
· 2075 commits to release since this release

v6.10.0 - 2022-08-29

Updates and Enhancements
  • Updtaed woocommerce/action-scheduler to version 3.5.0.
  • Upgrades the bundled quill-wordcount module to version 2.0, addressing an issue encountered when counting words with non-Latin character languages.
Bug Fixes
  • Make <pre> elements in quiz attempt results scrollable.
  • Make sure the current user can edit the lesson, when changing its completion status from the admin reporting.
  • Added missing textodmain for the string 'Move {post_title} to the Trash'. #2224
  • Fixed PHP fatal error when quick editing an award. #2231
  • Updated Spain's provinces list. #2243
  • The files assets/vendor/quill/quill.module.wordcount.js and assets/vendor/quill/quill.module.wordcount.min.js are to be removed in the next major release. Instead of loading these files directly, use wp_enqueue_script( 'llms-quill-wordcount' ).