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Version 2.2.3

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@thomasplevy thomasplevy released this 17 Mar 23:07

= v2.2.3 - 2016/03/15 =

  • Added translation functions around quite a few untranslated strings. Thanks to the team at Netzstrategen
  • Added German translation .mo and .po files again thanks to the team at Netzstrategen
Student Enrollment Functions

We've refactored a bit of our code related to how to programmatically enroll a student in a course or membership during registration and purchase.

A new class LLMS_Student makes working with a LifterLMS student (user) a bit easier. We'll begin exposing user meta data through this class as we continue to improve the usability of the codebase for other developers.

We've also created a simple enrollment function llms_enroll_student() which enables programmatic enrollment to LifterLMS courses or memberships. This was previously handled in a pretty schizophrenic manner and this unifies various ways of enrollment into one clean function. All enrollment moving forward will use this functions.

The enrollment function calls a new action as well as calling existing enrollment-related actions:

  • before_llms_user_enrollment - called immediately prior to begining the user enrollment function
  • llms_user_enrolled_in_course (previously existing)
  • llms_user_added_to_membership_level (previously existing)

This also addresses an issue that prevented the llms_user_enrolled_in_course action from being called when a user was auto-enrolled in a course because they joined a membership level that included auto-enrollment in one or more courses.

Bug and Issue fixes
  • Fixed an inconsistency in the way membership IDs were being saved to the postmeta table that would cause courses to not appear restricted on the Membership Enrollment tab, even though they were actually restricted and functioning correctly.
  • New lines are now preserved in the quiz question clarification text areas, thanks to @atimmer
  • Escape HTML in the quiz question description fields on the admin panel to allow outputting html without rendering it, thanks @atimmer
  • Fixed an issue related to the outputting of restricted course and membership content which caused errors on certain themes
  • added a clearfix to the .llms-lesson-preview element on the course syllabus template
  • Removed the class.llms.person.handler.php file as it wasn't actually being used by anything anywhere and contained no functions
  • Removed some unused and depreacted class functions from the LLMS Student Metabox class
  • Fixed an undefined javascript error resulting from code cleanup in 2.2.2. This issue prevented Vouchers from being published. The code has been further cleaned.