Code Refactor Ticket: adjusted codebase to follow accessibility standards so the website is optimized for search engines.
The Horiseon website codebase has been refactored to meet accessiblity standards with the proper semantic structure of the HTML and CSS elements. The code structure and styling has been improved to follow logical and sequential order as well as consolidation of code.
Refactor Details:
- Updated title from "website" to "Horiseon"
- Corrected broken page navigation link
- Changed the div elements to semantic HTML elements that allow for proper SEO: header, nav, article, section, aside, footer.
- Consolidated "id" and "class" attributes in both HTML and CSS files.
- Added "alt" attributes to images to meet accessability standards.
- Added line breaks between block elements to make it easier to read and edit.
- Renamed classes to follow semantic HTML structure to their correspoding elements.
- Reordered CSS to follow the sequential order of the HTML.
- Consolidated duplicate classes for a cleaner, more streamlined CSS code.
Use the navigation bar to toggle to the corresponding sections of the webpage.
MIT - MIT LICENSE © Gabriele Falloon - [email protected]