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paldepind committed Dec 20, 2016
1 parent 4e05635 commit 8ed22a0
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Showing 24 changed files with 785 additions and 440 deletions.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions docs/applicative.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
name: Applicative
description: |
Import with.
import * as Applicative from "jabz/applicative";
- name: of
type: "<A, F extends Applicative>(d: ApplicativeDictionary, a: A): F<A>"
description: |
Wraps a value in an applicative. This function is also known as `pure` and `return`.
of(Maybe, 12); //=> just(12)
of(Array, 12); //=> [12]
- name: ap
type: "<A, B, F extends Applicative>(fa: F<(a: A) => B>, ba: F<A>): F<B>"
description: |
Takes two applicatives of the same type. The first must contain a
function from `A` and the second an `A`. The function is then
applied to the value and a new applicative is returned.
- name: lift
type: "<F extends Applicative>(f: (?) => R, ...args: F<?>[]): F<A>"
description: |
Takes a function from `n` arguments, `n` applicatives with values
matching the function and applies the function inside the
lift((a, b, c) => a * b + c, just(4), just(2), just(3)); //=> just(11)
lift((a, b, c) => a * b + c, just(4), nothing, just(3)); //=> nothing
- name: seq
type: "<A, B, F extends Applicative>(a: F<A>, b: F<B>): F<B>"
description: |
Sequences actions from left to right, i.e. `a` before `b`,
discarding the value of `a`.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions docs/cons.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
name: Cons
description: |
A simple singly linked list. It can be useful in cases where a list
is build by repeatedly prepending elements to the front of the this.
`Cons` supports the `cons` operation in very low constant time.
It implements semigroup, monoid, functor, applicative, monad,
foldable and traversable.

- name: 'nil'
type: 'Cons<any>'
description: |
The sentinel value at the end of the list indicating the end.
Alternatively it can be though of as the empty list.
- name: 'cons'
type: '<A>(a: A, as: Cons<A>)'
description: |
Prepend the element `a` to the beginning of the list `as`.
- name: 'fromArray'
type: '<A>(as: A[]): Cons<A>'
description: |
Creates a `Cons`-list from an array
22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions docs/conslist.pug

This file was deleted.

249 changes: 4 additions & 245 deletions docs/content.pug
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,254 +8,13 @@ h2 API

p API documentation for Jabz.


p Import with.
import {combine} from "jabz/semigroup";

+fn('combine', '<A extends Semigroup<A>>(a: A, b: A): A')
p Combines two members of the same semigroup by using their combine method.
combine(sum(3), sum(5)); //=> Sum(8)
combine("Hello ", "there"); //=> "Hello there"
combine([1, 2, 3], [4, 5]); //=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

p Import with.
import * as Monoid from "jabz/monoid";

+fn('identity', '<M extends Monoid<M>>(m: MonoidDictionary<M>): M')
p Takes a monoid dictionary and returns the identity element of the monoid. Alternatively it takes a constructor of one of the native monoid instances.
identity(Sum); //=> Sum(0)
identity(Array); //=> []
identity(String); //=> ""

| Import with.
import * as Functor from "jabz/functor";

+fn('map', '<F extends Functor, A, B>(f: (a: A) => B, a: F<A>): F<B>')
p Maps a function over a functor.
map((n) => n * n, just(3)); //=> just(9)
map((n) => n * n, [1, 2, 3]); //=> [1, 4, 9]

+fn('mapTo', '<F extends Functor, A, B>(b: B, as: F<A>): F<B>')
p Replaces each value inside the functor with b.
mapTo(2, just(3)); //=> just(2)
mapTo(4, [1, 2, 3]); //=> [4, 4, 4]

p Import with.
import * as Applicative from "jabz/applicative";

+fn('of', '<A, F extends Applicative>(d: ApplicativeDictionary, a: A): F<A>)')
Wraps a value in an applicative. This function is also known as `pure` and `return`.

of(Maybe, 12); //=> just(12)
of(Array, 12); //=> [12]

+fn('ap', '<A, B, F extends Applicative>(fa: F<(a: A) => B>, ba: F<A>): F<B>')
Takes two applicatives of the same type. The first must contain a
function from `A` and the second an `A`. The function is then
applied to the value and a new applicative is returned.

+fn('lift', '<F extends Applicative>(f: (?) => R, ...args: F<?>[]): F<A>')

Takes a function from `n` arguments, `n` applicatives with values
matching the function and applies the function inside the applicatives.

lift((a, b, c) => a * b + c, just(4), just(2), just(3)); //=> just(11)
lift((a, b, c) => a * b + c, just(4), nothing, just(3)); //=> nothing

+fn('seq', '<A, B, F extends Applicative>(a: F<A>, b: F<B>): F<B>')
Sequences actions from left to right, i.e. `a` before `b`, discarding the value of `a`.

p Import with.
import * as Monad from "jabz/monad";

+fn('flatten', '<A, M extends Monad>(m: M<M<A>): M<A>')
p Removes one level of nesting from a monad inside a monad.
flatten(just(just(1))); //=> just(1)

+fn('chain', '<A, B, M extends Monad>(f: (a: A) => M<B>, m: M<A>): M<B>')

Values in `m` are passed to `f` and `f` returns a new monadic
value that is joined with the former. This operation is
sometimes called `flatMap` and other times `>>=`.

`m.chain(f)` is equal to ``.

chain((m) => safeDiv(12, m), just(3)); // just(4)

+fn('go', '<M extends Monad>(gen: () => Iterator<M<any>>): M<any>')
Do-notation powered by generator functions.

The example below demonstrates the use of go-notation with the
`Maybe` monad. Note that the yielded values are all in the monad
and that the variables becomes bound to the value inside the monad.

const safeDiv = (n, m) => m === 0 ? nothing : just(n / m);
go(function*() {
const a = yield find(isEven, list1);
const b = yield find(isEven, list2);
const c = yield safeDiv(a, b)
return a + b + c;

+fn('fgo', '<M extends Monad>(gen: (..args) => Iterator<M<any>>): (..args) => M<any>')

A nifty shortcut for creating a function that uses go-notation.
The arguments to the function are passed directly to the generator

const fgoExample = fgo(function*(x, y, z) {
const a = yield just(x);
const b = yield just(y);
const c = yield just(z)
return a + b + c;
fgoExample(1, 2, 3); //=> just(6)

| Import with.
import * as Foldable from "jabz/foldable";

+fn('foldr', '<A, B>(f: (a: A, b: B) => B, init: B, a: Foldable<A> | A[]): B')
p Performs a strict right fold over a foldable.

+fn('size', '(t: Foldable<any>): number')
p Returns the number of elements in the foldable.

+fn('take', '(n: number, t: Foldable<A>): A[]')
Returns an array of the first `n` elements in the foldable.

+fn('find', '(f: (a: A) => boolean, t: Foldable<A>): Maybe<A>')
p Returns the first element in the foldable that satisfies the predicate.
const isEven = (n) => n % 2 === 0;
find(isEven, fromArray([1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])); //=> just(4)
find(isEven, fromArray([1, 3, 5, 7])); //=> nothing

+fn('findLast', '(f: (a: A) => boolean, t: Foldable<A>): Maybe<A>')
p Returns the last element in the foldable that satisfies the predicate.
findLast(isEven, fromArray([1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])); //=> just(6)

+fn('findIndex', '(f: (a: A) => boolean, t: Foldable<A>): Maybe<number>')
p Returns the index of the first element in the foldable that satisfies the predicate.
findIndex(isEven, fromArray([1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])); //=> just(2)
findIndex(isEven, fromArray([1, 3, 5, 7])); //=> nothing

+fn('findLastIndex', '(f: (a: A) => boolean, t: Foldable<A>): Maybe<number>')
p Returns the index of the last element in the foldable that satisfies the predicate.
findLastIndex(isEven, fromArray([1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])); //=> just(4)

+fn('toArray', '(t: Foldable<A>): A[]')
p Converts a foldable to an array.

+fn('sequence_', '<A extends Applicative>(d: ApplicativeDictionary, t: Foldable<A<any>>): A<{}>')
Sequences applicatives in the foldable from left to right discarding the result.

+fn('foldrM', '<A, B, M extends Monad>(f: (a: A, b: B) => M<B>, mb: M<B>, t: Foldable<A>): M<B>')
p Monadic right fold. This function is similair to foldr. The difference is that the accumulator function returns a monadic value and that the final result is in the same monad.
const divide = (a, b) => a === 0 ? nothing : just(b / a);
foldrM(divide, just(100), fromArray([10, 5])); //=> just(2)
foldrM(divide, just(100), fromArray([5, 0])); //=> nothing

| Import with.
import * as Traversable from "jabz/traversable";

+fn('sequence', '<A, T extends Traversable, F extends Applicative>(a: ApplicativeDictionary, t: T<F<A>>): F<T<A>>')
Takes a traversable with applicatives inside and "flips" the nesting so that the applicative ends up on the outside and the traversable on the inside.

In the example below the applicative `Maybe` the traversable created by `fromArray`.
Sequence turns them inside out so that `just` floats from the inside to the outside.
sequence(Maybe, fromArray([just(1), just(2), just(3)])); //=> just(fromArray([1, 2, 3]))

+fn('traverse', '<A, B, T extends Traversable, F extends Applicative>(a: ApplicativeDictionary, f: (a: A) => F<B>, t: T<A>): F<T<B>>')
p Traverse.
traverse(Maybe, just, fromArray([1, 2, 3])); //=> just(fromArray([1, 2, 3]))
each module in abstractions

h2 Instances

include maybe.pug
include either.pug
include conslist.pug
include infinitelist.pug
include writer.pug
each module in implementations

h2 Specification

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